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登革病毒試紙 登革熱病毒檢測試紙

  • 公司名稱廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號登革熱試紙
  • 所  在  地廣州市
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2022/11/26 18:17:54
  • 訪問次數540
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登革病毒試紙 登革熱病毒檢測試紙






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美國NovaBios登革熱試紙 登革病毒試紙 登革熱病毒檢測試紙

登革熱可分為典型登革熱(dengue fever,DF)、登革出血熱(dengue hemorrhagic fever,DHF)和登革休克綜合征(dengue shock syndrome, DSS)三種類型。
所有典型登革熱患者均發熱。起病急,先寒戰,隨之體溫迅速升高,24小時內可達40℃。一般持續5~7日,然后驟降至正常,熱型多不規則,部分病例于第3~5日體溫降至正常,1日后又再升高,稱為雙峰熱或鞍型熱。兒童病例起病較緩、熱度也較低。發熱時伴全身癥狀,如頭痛、腰痛,尤其骨、并節疼痛劇烈,似骨折樣或碎骨樣,嚴重者影響活動,但外觀無紅腫。消化道癥狀可有食欲下降,惡芯、嘔吐、腹痛、腹瀉。脈搏早期加快,后期變緩。嚴重者疲乏無力呈衰竭狀態。患者于病程3~6日出現斑丘疹或麻疹樣皮疹,也有猩紅熱樣皮疹,紅色斑疹,重者變為出血性皮疹。皮疹分布于全身、四肢、軀干和頭面部,多有癢感,皮疹持續5~7日。疹退后無脫屑及色素沉著25~50%病例有不同程度出血,如牙齦出血、鼻衄、消化道出血、咯血、血尿等。其他 多有淺表淋巴結腫大。約1/4病例有肝臟腫大及ALT升高,個別病例可出現黃疸,束臂試驗陽性。輕型登革熱表現類似流行姓感冒,短期發熱,全身疼痛較輕,皮疹稀少或無疹,常有表淺淋巴結腫大。因癥狀不典型,容易誤診或漏疹。
重型登革熱 早期具有典型登革熱的所有表現,但于3~5病日突然加重,劇烈頭痛、嘔吐、譫妄、昏迷、抽搐、大汗、血壓驟降、頸強直、瞳孔散大等腦膜腦炎表現。有些病例表現為消化道大出血和出血性休克。登革出血熱開始表現為典型登革熱。發熱、肌痛、腰痛,但骨、關節痛不顯著,而出血傾向嚴重,如鼻衄、嘔血、咯血、尿血、便血等。常有兩個以上器官大量出血,出血量大于100毫升。有的病例出血量雖小,但出血部位位于腦、心臟、腎上腺等重要臟器而危及生命。登革休克綜合征具有典型登革熱的表現;在病程中或退熱后,病情突然加重,有明顯出血傾向伴周圍循環衰竭。表現皮膚濕冷,脈快而弱,脈壓差進行性縮小,血壓下降甚至測不到,煩燥、昏睡、昏迷等。病情兇險,如不及時搶險,可于4~10小時內死亡。病程中還可出現腦水腫,預后嚴重。但如能及時正確處理,渡過危險期后可迅速恢復。登革熱的發熱特點是突然高熱,發熱持續5~7天后驟然退熱,熱退后1~2天體溫可再度升高,這種發熱稱為雙峰熱或馬鞍熱。除發熱的突出癥狀外,患兒在病程中可出現麻疹樣皮疹或猩紅熱樣皮疹。有的患兒可出現牙齦出血、鼻衄、咯血、尿血、消化道出血等表現。有的患兒會出現肝、脾和淋巴結腫大。重型登革熱甚至會發生消化道大出血和出血性休克。

美國NovaBios登革熱試紙 登革病毒試紙 登革熱病毒檢測試紙

Dengue fever can be divided into typical dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (dengue shock syndrome, DSS) three types.
All patients with typical dengue fever are feverish. Acute onset, first chills, followed by rapid increase in body temperature, up to 40 ℃ within 24 hours. Generally continued for 5 to 7 days, and then plummeted to normal, hot and more irregular, some cases in the first 3 to 5 days to normal temperature, 1 day and then increased, known as bimodal heat or saddle type heat. Children with mild onset of disease, heat is also low. Fever with systemic symptoms, such as headache, low back pain, especially bone, and sections of severe pain, like bone or bone-like, severe affect the activities, but the appearance of no swelling. Digestive tract symptoms may have decreased appetite, evil core, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Early pulse accelerated, late slowed down. Severe fatigue is unable to failure state. Patients in the course of 3 to 6 days of rash or measles-like rash, there are scarlet fever-like rash, red rash, severe cases become hemorrhagic rash. Rash distributed in the body, limbs, trunk and head and face, more than itching, rash lasted 5 to 7 days. Rash back without scaling and pigmentation 25 to 50% of cases have different degrees of bleeding, such as gum bleeding, epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemoptysis, hematuria and so on. There are many superficial lymph nodes. About 1/4 cases of liver enlargement and ALT increased, individual cases may occur jaundice, beam arm test positive. Light dengue fever is similar to the popular name of a cold, short-term fever, systemic pain, rash or rash, often superficial lymph nodes. Due to atypical symptoms, easy to misdiagnosis or lashes.
Heavy dengue fever has a typical performance of typical dengue fever in the early stage, but sudden increase in severe symptoms such as severe headache, vomiting, delirium, coma, convulsions, sweating, blood pressure, neck stiffness, and dilated pupils. Some cases showed gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. Dengue hemorrhagic fever began to show typical dengue fever. Fever, myalgia, low back pain, but bone, joint pain is not significant, and bleeding tendency is serious, such as epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematuria, blood in the stool and so on. Often more than two organs of a large number of bleeding, bleeding is greater than 100 ml. Some cases of bleeding is small, but the bleeding site in the brain, heart, adrenal glands and other vital organs and life-threatening. Dengue shock syndrome has a typical performance of dengue fever; in the course of disease or fever, the condition suddenly increased, there is a clear tendency to bleeding with peripheral circulatory failure. The performance of the skin wet and cold, fast and weak pulse, pulse pressure difference is reduced, blood pressure or even undetectable, irritability, lethargy, coma and so on. Dangerous condition, if not timely rescue, can be 4 to 10 hours of death. Course of cerebral edema can also occur, the prognosis is serious. But if timely and correct treatment, through the dangerous period can be quickly restored. Dengue fever is characterized by sudden fever, fever for 5 to 7 days after the sudden fever, heat back 1 to 2 days body temperature can rise again, this heat is called bimodal heat or saddle fever. In addition to the prominent symptoms of fever, the children may be in the course of measles-like rash or scarlet fever-like rash. Some children may have bleeding gums, epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematuria, gastrointestinal bleeding and other performance. Some children will appear liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Heavy dengue fever can even cause gastrointestinal bleeding and hemorrhagic shock.




【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】    楊永漢

【騰訊  】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室

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