美國NovaBios埃博拉檢測試劑盒 埃博拉檢測試劑盒
美國NovaBios 埃博拉檢測試劑盒 埃博拉檢測試劑盒
埃博拉(Ebola virus)又譯作伊波拉病毒。是一種十分罕見的病毒,1976年在蘇丹南部和剛果(金)(舊稱扎伊爾)的埃博拉河地區發現它的存在后,引起醫學界的廣泛關注和重視,“埃博拉”由此而得名。是一個用來稱呼一群屬于纖維病毒科埃博拉病毒屬下數種病毒的通用術語。是一種能引起人類和靈長類動物產生埃博拉出血熱的烈性傳染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之間,致死原因主要為中風、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多發性器官衰竭。
埃博拉出血熱(EBHF)是由一種絲狀病毒感染導致的急性出血性、動物源性傳染病。1976年,埃博拉出血熱在非洲的蘇丹和扎伊爾暴發,病死率高達50% ~ 90% 。因該病始發于扎伊爾北部的埃博拉河流,并在該區域嚴重流行,故命名為埃博拉病毒,其形態學、致病性等與馬爾堡病毒相似,但免疫原性有所區別。
埃博拉病毒快速診斷試劑卡 | |
實驗方法 | 膠體金法 |
實驗樣本 | 血清/血漿/全血/唾液 |
靈敏度 | 92% |
特異性 | 99% |
儲存條件 | 4~30℃ |
保質期 | 12個月 |
實驗時間 | 15分鐘 |
第二個數據是關于治療患者的費用的。美國商業媒體Bloomberg發布了一篇文章,標題是: Bill for Ebola Adds Up as Care Costs $1,000 an Hour(治療埃博拉的費用加起來有每小時一千美元)。 這個聽起來有點聳人聽聞。仔細一讀文章,原來講的是醫院在治療在美國德州埃博拉病毒的埃博拉病人Thomas Eric Duncan 時的花費情況。在對這位病人的醫治過程中,每天的花費大概在18,000到24,000之間,報道時去上限,得到每小時一千美元的估計。我想花在給非洲的病人治病的花費肯定比這個數字要小太多。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
This is of course the estimate of September, and now it seems not necessarily accurate, but at least you can see where the most need to spend money, probably how much. At the same time can also give some information on the needs of countries and individuals with donations.
The second data is about the cost of treating the patient. American business media Bloomberg has published an article titled: Bill for Ebola Adds Up as Care Costs $ 1,000 an Hour (the cost of treating Ebola is $ 1,000 per hour). This sounds a bit sensational. Carefully read the article, the original is about the hospital in the treatment of the United States in Germany Ebola virus Ebola patients Thomas Eric Duncan when the cost of the situation. In the treatment of the patient, the daily cost of about 18,000 to 24,000, reported to the upper limit, get an estimated one thousand dollars per hour. I would like to spend too much on the cost of treating a patient in Africa.
The third data is about who is paying the question. There is a table that is the source of the $ 987.8M required for the next six months. At the time of the donations, the World Bank, the United States, the African Development Bank accounted for the bulk. Most countries in the world have contributed more or less. Transparent disclosure of sources and uses of funds helps countries, organizations and individuals to make informed use of the rational use of funds, which can also promote more power to join the fight against disease.
Ebola virus is mainly through the patient's blood, saliva, sweat and secretions and other means of transmission. Laboratory examination of common lymphopenia, severe reduction of plaets and elevated transaminase (AST> ALT), and sometimes increased serum amylase. Diagnostic ELISA can be used to detect specific IgG antibodies (IgM antibodies suggest recent infection); ELISA to detect blood, serum or tissue homogenate antigen; with IFA by monoclonal antibody detection of liver cells in the virus antigen; or by cell culture or Guinea pigs were inoculated to isolate the virus. Electron microscopy can sometimes be observed in the liver slices of the virus. Detection of antibodies with IFA often leads to miscarriage of justice, especially when conducting serological investigations of previous infections. Laboratory studies are highly risky and should be carried out only in areas where protective measures prevent workers and communities from infecting (Level 4 Biosafety Laboratories).
Infection latency is about 2 days. Infected people are suddenly high fever, headache, sore throat, weakness and muscle pain. Then vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Within two weeks after the onset of the virus spill, leading to internal and external bleeding, blood coagulation, necrotic blood quickly pass and the body of the various organs, the patient eventually appear oral, nasal and Ebola bleeding symptoms, the patient can be within 24 hours death.
In about 1500 confirmed Ebola cases, the mortality rate was as high as 88%.