- 可替寧檢測試劑盒(40人份):每人份鋁箔袋單獨包裝。其中試劑盒由金標可替寧單克隆抗體、可替寧-BSA結合物、羊抗兔IgG多克隆抗體、硝酸纖維素膜、聚酯纖維素膜、塑料背襯、塑料模板組成。
- 一次性滅菌唾液取樣棒(40人份)
- 唾液收集器(40人份)
- 使用說明書(1份)
- 撕開鋁箔袋,取出試劑,應在1小時內盡快使用。
- 拿出一次性唾液收集器。(步驟1)
- 手持收集器蓋帽使海綿頭含入口中,直至海綿頭吸滿液體(膨脹變軟)。(步驟2)
- 將海綿頭放回收集器并擰緊蓋帽,使所含樣本流入收集器下端。(步驟3)
- 將試劑盒置于干凈平坦的臺面上,同時打開滴樣孔蓋帽。(步驟4)
- 擠壓收集器上端管壁,垂直滴加2滴無空氣泡的唾液(約100ul)于加樣孔(S)中。(步驟5)
- 等待紫紅色條帶的出現,3-5分鐘時直接觀察結果,10分鐘后判定無效。
Geobacter sulfurreducens屬于變形菌門,除硫單胞菌目(Desulfuromonadales),地桿菌科(Geobacteraceae),地桿菌屬(Geobacter)。革蘭氏陰性桿菌,專性厭氧,鐵還原菌,電子供體較少,僅能以乙酸和氫氣作為電子供體,Fe(III)、S、Co-EDTA、延胡索酸和蘋果酸為電子受體。
G. sulfurreducens是zui早報道能直接利用電極還原產生的能量生長的一種微生物,該菌已成為目前產電代謝研究中的熱點微生物。
G. sulfurreducens在沉積環境中還原Fe(III)氧化物時,并未發現類似于在電極上堆積形成細胞膜傳遞電子的現象,可能由于Fe(III)氧化物不同于可作為*電子受體的電極,形成細胞膜并不利于消耗Fe(III)氧化物后轉移到其它位置。該現象是微生物自身的適應性變化,也意味著通過基因工程或馴化的方法有可能在很大程度提細菌微生物還原電極的能力。人類細菌的健康與以細菌表皮細胞為食一些共生的、與人體互惠互利的有益菌密切相關。這些有益細菌,能夠創建一個物理和化學屏障,從而阻斷其它細菌原菌和細菌毒(包括艾滋細菌細菌毒)的感染。美國的一個研究團隊建立了新的方法來研究細菌表皮細胞和有益菌的關系。通過在體外培養和研究細菌表皮細胞,試圖發現他們認為能夠保護女性免受艾滋細菌毒和其他性傳播疾細菌感染的“有益細菌”。
2014年PLOS One期刊報道了這一研究成果。研究人員在體外培養人細菌表皮細胞,并成功的將人細菌內部的細菌菌群(包括有益菌和有害菌)定植在培養的細菌表皮細胞上。*實現以在體外培養細菌微生物菌群。研究人員利用這種體外模型,發現某些細菌能夠改變HIV感染和復制的方式。
這個研究模型還可以用來評價一些抗生素類藥物的作用,以及這些藥物與細菌內有益菌和有害菌的相互作用關系。在研究中發現,一種能引起細菌性細菌細菌(bacterial vaginosis)的微生物菌群會大幅減小抗HIV藥物的抗細菌毒活性。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室
Sulfur-reducing soil bacteria
Geobacter sulfurreducens belong to the genera Proteobacteria, Desulfuromonadales, Geobacteraceae, Geobacter. Gram-negative bacilli, obligate anaerobic, iron-reducing bacteria, electron donor less, only acetic acid and hydrogen as electron donor, Fe (III), S, Co-EDTA, fumaric acid and malic acid as electron acceptor body.
G. sulfurreducens is the first report of a kind of microorganism that can grow directly by the energy generated by electrode reduction, which has become a hot microbe in the current generation of electricity metabolism.
G. sulfurreducens When Fe (III) oxide was reduced in a depositional environment, no phenomenon similar to the transfer of electrons formed by accumulation of membrane-forming membranes on the electrode was observed, possibly due to the fact that the Fe (III) oxide is different from the electrode which can act as a permanent electron acceptor , The formation of cell membranes is not conducive to the consumption of Fe (III) oxide transfer to other locations. This phenomenon is the adaptive change of the microorganism itself, and also means that it is possible to greatly improve the ability of the bacteria microorganisms to reduce the electrode through genetic engineering or domestication. The health of human bacteria and bacterial epidermal cells eat some symbiotic, closely related to the human beneficial bacteria with mutual benefits. These beneficial bacteria create a physical and chemical barrier that blocks the infection of other bacterial and bacterial viruses, including AIDS bacteria. A research team in the United States has established new ways to study the relationship between bacterial epidermal cells and beneficial bacteria. By culturing and studying bacterial epidermal cells in vitro, they try to find "beneficial bacteria" that they believe can protect women from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The 2014 issue of PLOS One reports on this research. Researchers cultured human bacterial epidermal cells in vitro and successfully colonized bacterial epidermal cells in human bacteria, including beneficial and harmful bacteria. For the first time to achieve in vitro bacterial bacterial flora. Using this in vitro model, researchers found that certain bacteria can alter the way HIV infects and replicates.
This research model can also be used to evaluate the role of some antibiotic drugs and the interaction of these drugs with beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria in bacteria. In the study, it was discovered that a microbial flora that causes bacterial vaginosis can drastically reduce the antibacterial activity of anti-HIV drugs.