CHIC2基因缺失(PDGFRA斷裂)(4q12)探針 |
8號染色體計數探針 |
PDGFRB(5q32)基因斷裂探針 |
DLEU1(13q14)基因探針(紅色) |
ATM(11q22)基因探針 |
6q探針 |
GLI1(12q13)基因探針 |
5q探針 |
7q探針 |
20q熒光原位雜交探針 |
EVI1(3q26)基因斷裂探針 |
AML1/ETO融合基因t(8;21)探針 |
AML/ETO融合基因檢測試劑盒(熒光原位雜交法) |
PML/RARA融合基因t(15;17)探針 |
PML/RARA融合基因檢測試劑盒(熒光原位雜交法) |
膀胱癌染色體及基因檢測試劑盒熒光原位雜交我司還提供:登革熱,黃熱病,基肯孔熱,西尼羅河,立次克體,無形體,蜱蟲,恙蟲,錐蟲,利什曼原蟲,RK39, 漢坦病毒,乙腦,森林腦炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍亂,軍團菌,結核,諾如病毒,輪狀病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血熱,傷寒桿菌,志賀氏菌檢測試劑,!
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室
The positive effect of gene testing is to help doctors customize more detailed treatment options, including the choice of more effective drugs. Gene detection of cancer can be divided into genetic mutation (germline mutation) and somatic cell mutation (somatic mutation). The former refers to the genetic mutation of human cells, which is hereditary. The latter is a gene mutation that is brought to the outside by the cells, and may evolve into cancer cells, which do not exist in other parts of the body, nor will it be inherited.
If the HNPCC gene carrier, the HNPCC gene carrier to prevent rectal cancer is 30 years old to do rectal cancer prevention.
Every cell in the body has a set of genes, and the cells change over time, different from the genes at birth. The cell group splits out new cells and transcribe the previous genes, but there may be a wrong copy during the transcribing process. As the cells divide, the wrong gene loss accumulates continuously until the cells are unable to operate, and the threat of cancer may occur.
Environmental factors are also important. Experts interviewed say that many diseases are caused by environment and lifestyle, so don't think they are all genetic errors when they are sick.