馬爾康 地 川西北高原南端,屬高原峽谷區,地勢由東北向西南逐漸降低,地面海拔在2180米至5301米之間。馬爾康 屬低緯度、高海拔的 殊地理與高山峽谷立體氣候,冬干夏濕、雨熱同季、日照充足、晝夜溫差大。年均氣溫8-9℃,年降水量753毫米,年均日照2000小時以上, 對霜期120天。空氣質量達到中 Ⅰ標準。巴拉混合式開發的方案四:原壩址不動(壩址 水位2729m),壩高仍為220m左右,在其下游2680m高程附近選擇廠址,利用落差由原190m增加至240m, 水隧洞長約5km,電站利用落差240m,水庫正常蓄水位為2920m,正常蓄水位以下庫約容3.56億立方米,正常尾水位2680m,裝機容量約730MW+30MW(其中30MW為壩后生態基流電站),多年平均發電量12.09/12.96億kW·h。
水電站鉸鏈式攔污排浮漂浮筒 水電站攔截半沉浮垃圾浮筒漂排供應生態河道治理也是保護和改善天然河道資產。資產就是河道已經具備的,并滿足相應河道功能目標的那些條件。許多河道資產都受到河道問題的威脅,或已經退化。在這一步中,要識別出河道的主要資產、退化資產和存在的主要問題。Water conservancy and hydropower projects in the reservoir area after storage, tree branches and leaves, crops weeds, Bai Tai plastic foam, garbage and other floating debris, especially in flood season is particularly obvious. These floating debris often accumulate on the surface of water. When the water intake holes pass through the water, these floating debris will float to the water intake holes directly through the water intake holes into mechanical and electrical equipment such as hydroelectric generating units or drainage pumping stations. If the amount, volume and texture of the debris are large enough and hard enough, they will cause fatal damage to these mechanical and electrical equipment, even to the whole project. Operational paralysis.