1 | Fluidics Lab 流體實驗室 | Brief Description 簡要說明 Fluidics Lab is a mobile workstation set consisting of 3 double-sided mobile workstations, including Drawer, profile-plate, compressor, hydraulic power unit and accessories. 流體實驗室是由3個雙面移動工作站組成的移動工作站組,包括抽屜、模板、壓縮機、液壓動力裝置和附件。 |
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Purpose目的 | |||
Fluidics, the use of the fluids to perform analogue or digital operations similar to those performed with electronics. The Fluidics Lab will be used to train students on basic and advanced hydraulics and pneumatics in the University. 流體學,利用流體進行模擬或數字操作,類似于用電子設備進行的操作。流體實驗室將用來培訓學生在大學里的基礎和高級液壓和氣動學。 | |||
Main Specifications 主要規范 The Fluidics Lab consists of the following components, with brief description of each and accessories. 流體實驗室由以下組件組成,并對每個組件和附件進行簡要說明。 | |||
1 | Mobile Laboratory Workstation 移動實驗室工作站 | 8 | |
| Mobile workstation system with profile plate that can be used on both sides (1100mm) and a mounting frame with appropriate material, a cross-section for attaching mounting frames for electrical components and profile system large enough for training of students at the University. 可在兩側(1100mm)使用的帶模板的移動工作站系統和具有適當材料的安裝框架,用于連接電氣部件安裝框架的橫截面和足以在大學培訓學生的外形系統。 The mobile station will have the following important parts: 移動站將包含以下重要部分:
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| 2 | Hydraulic Power Unit液壓動力裝置 | 4 |
| Hydraulic power unit with constant-displacement pumps and AC motors on both sides of the workstations, suitable for separate supply of hydraulic circuits, each with its own switch. It should have a maximum operating pressure of 6 MPa. 液壓動力裝置,在工作站兩側配備有恒排量泵和交流電機,適用于單獨提供液壓回路,每個回路都有自己的開關。其大工作壓力應為6兆帕。 The motor should be operating at 230V, 50Hz, with the following accessories: 電機應在230V、50Hz下運行,并配備以下附件:
用于安裝框架的十六(16)個電源裝置,輸入電壓為85–240V AC,頻率范圍為50Hz±10Hz,輸出電壓為24V DC;以及
十六(16)套完整的連接電纜,包括帶有紅色、藍色和黑色安全插頭的安全實驗室電纜。 |
| 3 | Compressor壓縮機 | 4 |
| The compressor should be oil-lubricated, quiet (max. 45 dB (A)), ideal for use in classrooms, with pressure of 800 kPa (8 bar) and design voltage of 230 V / 50 Hz. It should have a pressure regulator and a water separator, with accessories such as coupling socket, coupling plug and tubing. 壓縮機應采用油潤滑,安靜(大45分貝(A)),非常適合在教室使用,壓力為800千帕(8巴),設計電壓為230伏/50赫茲。它應該有一個壓力調節器和一個分水器,帶有附件,如連接插座、連接插頭和管道。 |
| ACCESSORIES配件 Accessories should include the following: 附件應包括以下內容:
This is equipment set contains all the necessary components for training in basic and advanced fundamentals of lectro-pneumatics
三(3)本氣動學基本原理和電氣氣動學教科書 The textbook to
一(1)份培訓手冊和軟件 The Training Manual with relevant content and training software should be provided in the package.
八(8)個力傳感器 Force sensor for piston force measurement, with measuring range of 0 – 1 kN and supply voltage of 24 V DC and output voltage of 0 – 10 V. It should have its relevant software.
Basic training equipment set in hydraulics with all relevant components and accessories. It should have one (1No.) Textbook for teaching fundamentals of hydraulics and electro-hydraulic, and one (1No.) training manual and software. These should all be in English.
八(8)套設備 The equipment sets would be kept in trays that fit in the workstations drawer containers and each has pictogram, and adhesive symbols for labelling the components' storage location, safety and work instructions. 設備組將存放在適合工作站抽屜容器的托盤中,每個托盤都有象形圖和用于標記組件存儲位置、安全和工作說明的粘合劑符號。 Equipment set should contain all the components for basic training in hydraulics and should have operating pressure of 6 MPa (60 bar), maximum permissible pressure of 12 MPa (120bar), with temperature range of -40 to +120°C. The sets should also have training manuals with relevant content to provide students with knowledge about the basic physical principles of electrical engineering and electro-hydraulics. They should also have eight (8No.) proportional amplifier with all relevant components, and should have inputs protected by short-circuit or surge-proof up to 24 V; and eight (8No.) setpoint value card should have programmable setpoint and ramp generation, stopwatch measuring 0 – 100 hours. The output should be 1 kHz; and the following components: 設備組應包含液壓基礎培訓的所有組件,操作壓力應為6 MPa(60 bar),大允許壓力為12 MPa(120 bar),溫度范圍為-40至+120°C。設備組還應具有培訓手冊,相關內容應提供了解電氣工程和電液工程的基本物理原理。它們還應具有八(8)個帶所有相關部件的比例放大器,并且應具有由高達24 V的短路或防浪涌保護的輸入;以及八(8)個設定值卡應具有可編程設定點和斜坡生成,秒表測量時間為0-100小時。輸出應為1 kHz;以及以下部件:
2 | Instrumentation and Process Control Lab | Brief Description簡要說明 Process Stations to cover Level, Flow, Pressure , Temperature, PH and Conductivity including Accessories 工藝站包括液位、流量、壓力、溫度、酸堿度和電導率,包括附件。 |
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| 儀表和過程控制實驗室 | Purpose 目的 The Instrumentation and Process Control Lab will be used for determining the levels, the flow rates, pressure, and temperatures in various control system. 儀表和過程控制實驗室將用于確定各種控制系統中的液位、流量、壓力和溫度。 |
Main Specifications 主要規格 The Instrumentation and Process Control Lab shall be supplied in two parts – the basic instrumentation and process control training system and the advanced system. The Basic system shall comprise the following: 儀表和過程控制實驗室應分兩部分提供:基本儀表和過程控制培訓系統和*系統。基本系統應包括以下內容: |
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BASIC Instrumentation and Process Control Training Systems complete with Accessories 基本儀表和過程控制培訓系統,包括附件 |
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1 | Station 站 | 4 | |
| These are Compact Workstations with level, flow rate, pressure and temperature controlled systems, comprising the following: 這些是緊湊型工作站,配有液位、流量、壓力和溫度控制系統,包括:
手冊。 |
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| 2 | Trolley 手推車 | 4 |
| The trolley, which should have through-holes in the sides and rear panels to enable orderly routing of cables, shall be supplied complete with twin castors. 小車應在側面和后面板上有通孔,以便電纜有序布線,并配備雙腳輪。 |
| 3 | Software 軟件 | 4 |
| The software, which connects the PC to the real hardware, comes as part of the control system. The software shall have the following parameters: settings, measurement, characteristic curve, continuous regulation, industrial controller functions and simulation. 該軟件將PC機連接到真正的硬件,作為控制系統的一部分提供。軟件應具有以下參數:設置、測量、特性曲線、連續調節、工業控制器功能和模擬。 |
Other accessories shall include: 其他附件應包括:
四(4)個水-空氣冷卻器,由一個帶鋁制散熱片的管卷、兩個集成電子通信的軸流風機和銅黃銅合金管卷組成的熱交換器組成。熱 | |||
| Advanced Instrumentation and Process Control Training Systems complete with Accessories *的儀表和過程控制培訓系統,配備附件 |
| 4 | Temperature Process – Workstation. 溫度過程-工作站。 | 1 |
| All equipment for the Instrumentation and Process Control Training System shall be mounted on either the Process Workstation or the Instrumentation Workstation. The Process Workstation shall be a double-sided mobile workstation with an instrumentation mounting pipe, process supports, and space to mount two 60 litre (16 gallon) tanks, up to four centrifugal pumps, and other process components necessary for the exercise being performed. 儀表和過程控制培訓系統的所有設備應安裝在工藝工作站或儀表工作站上。工藝工作站應為雙面移動工作站,配有儀表安裝管、工藝支架和空間,用于安裝兩個60升(16加侖)的儲罐、多四個離心泵以及進行練習所需的其他工藝部件。 The Instrumentation Workstation shall be designed to house the Electrical Unit and the Pneumatic Unit as well as all other electrical equipment used with the training system. The Electrical Unit shall power the instruments used with the training system, include a lockable power switch and a 24 V dc power supply, and allow for cut-off of both the electric and pneumatic power using either an emergency button or the lockable power switch. The Instrumentation Workstation shall be double-sided to allow for two groups of students to work simultaneously. 儀表工作站應設計為容納電氣裝置、氣動裝置以及與培訓系統一起使用的所有其他電氣設備。電氣裝置應為與培訓系統一起使用的儀表供電,包括一個可鎖定電源開關和一個24 V直流電源,并允許使用緊急按鈕或可鎖定電源開關切斷電氣和氣動電源。儀表工作站應為雙面,允許兩組學生同時工作。 The package shall include the following: 包裝應包括以下內容:
| 5 | Boiler Simulation (Water / Air) 鍋爐模擬(水/空氣) | 1 |
| The Boiler Simulation should not pressurised and works with water at room temperature. The boiler simulator shall be used by one team at a time. A controller with a minimum of two loops capable of both cascade and feed-forward control and a 4-20mA calibrator shall be included to complete the exercises. It will include the following student guides in the form of workbooks: 鍋爐模擬不應加壓,在室溫下與水一起工作。鍋爐模擬器一次只能由一個小組使用。應包括一個控制器,至少有兩個回路能夠同時進行級聯和前饋控制,以及一個4-20mA校準儀,以完成練習。它將包括以下以工作手冊形式提供的學生指南:
一(1)份工作手冊,分別用于空氣測量、空氣過程控制和控制閥 |
| 6 | Calibration Kit校準套件 | 1 |
| The Calibration Kit should include the equipment required to precisely adjust the control valves and to perform diagnostic tests on electrical devices. The kit must contain a multifunctional process calibrator which can act as a source and measure different parameters. The sphygmomanometer and the calibration pump should complete the kit and are used to calibrate pressure devices. 校準套件應包括精確調整控制閥和對電氣設備進行診斷測試所需的設備。該套件必須包含一個多功能過程校準器,它可以作為源并測量不同的參數。*和校準泵應配套齊全,用于校準壓力裝置。 |
| 7 | Calibration Kit校準套件 | 1 |
| The Calibration Kit should include the equipment required to precisely adjust the control valves, perform diagnostic tests, and interface with smart devices. The kit contains a documenting process calibrator with capabilities to calibrate, maintain, and troubleshoot devices. The calibrator should act as a source and measures pressure, temperature, and electrical signals. 校準套件應包括精確調整控制閥、執行診斷測試和與智能設備接口所需的設備。該套件包含一個記錄過程校準器,具有校準、維護和排除設備故障的功能。校準器應作為源,測量壓力、溫度和電信號。 It also must include a test pump used to generate a wide range of pressures from vacuums at -95 kPa (-13.9 psi) to pressures up to 410 kPa (600 psi). 它還必須包括一個試驗泵,用于產生從-95千帕(13.9磅/平方英寸)的真空到高410千帕(600磅/平方英寸)的各種壓力。 |
3 | Factory Automations Lab 工廠自動化實驗室 | Brief Description簡要說明 Factory Automations Lab is a multi-disciplinary strategy to research, develop, optimize and capitalize on technologies in the laboratory that enable new and improved processes. It comprises of stations and accessories as outlined below.
工廠自動化實驗室是一個多學科戰略,旨在研究,開發,優化和利用實驗室中的技術,實現新的和改進的流程。 它包括如下所述的站和附件。 | 1 |
Purpose目的 The University shall use the Factory Automations Lab to master different complex technology such as Bottling, Level Control, Programming, Close Loop Control and Measurement in Close Loop Control. 大學應使用工廠自動化實驗室掌握不同的復雜技術,如裝瓶,液位控制,編程,閉環控制和閉環控制測量 | |||
Main Specifications主要規格 The Factory Automations Lab will be supplied with the following critical components: 工廠自動化實驗室將配備以下關鍵部件: | |||
| 1 | Workstations 工作站 | 2 |
| This is a process workstation with level, flow rate, pressure and temperature-controlled systems. The four controlled systems (namely level, flow, pressure and temperature) in the Workstation should each be operated individually. 這是一個帶有液位、流量、壓力和溫度控制系統的工藝工作站。工作站中的四個控制系統(即液位、流量、壓力和溫度)應分別操作。 Using a corresponding controller, the level and flow rate controlled system should be set up as a cascade control system. 采用相應的控制器,將水位流量控制系統設置為串級控制系統。 The sensors and valve actuators should be designed in such a way that allows the use of both continuous and discontinuous controllers (e.g. two-point controllers) in testing. The pumps should be controlled using either direct actuation or speed adjustment. 傳感器和閥門執行機構的設計應允許在試驗中同時使用連續和不連續控制器(例如兩點控制器)。應使用直接驅動或速度調節來控制泵。 The workstation should be supplied with the following components: 工作站應配備以下組件:
技術文件工作手冊。 |
2 | Trolley手推車 | 2 | |
| The trolley makes a station a compact and mobile unit. The station is easy to mount on the trolley. Appropriate through-holes in the side and rear panels enable orderly routing of cables. The front side is equipped with mountings for panels. 臺車使車站成為一個緊湊的移動單元。 車站很容易安裝在手推車上。側面板和后面板上適當的通孔可使電纜有序布線。正面配有面板安裝座。
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3 | Various Accessories各種配件 |
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| The workstations should be supplied with all accessories and software required to operate the equipment and thus meeting the purpose for which Copperbelt University has requested suppliers to provide. These should include (in their respective quantities) but not limited to cables, water air-cooler, compressor and its accessories, and so on. 工作站應配備操作設備所需的所有附件和軟件,從而滿足Copperbelt大學要求供應商提供的目的。這些應包括(在其各自數量中)但不限于電纜、水-空氣冷卻器、壓縮機及其附件等。 |
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| 4 | Temperature Process Workstation溫度過程工作站 | 1 |
| All equipment for the Instrumentation and Process Control Training System shall be mounted on either the Process Workstation or the Instrumentation Workstation. The Process Workstation shall be a double-sided mobile workstation with an instrumentation mounting pipe, process supports, and space to mount two 60-litre (16 gallon) tanks, up to four centrifugal pumps, and other process components necessary for the exercise being performed. The supplier should ensure that the Process Workstation allow two groups of students to work at the same time. 儀表和過程控制培訓系統的所有設備應安裝在工藝工作站或儀表工作站上。工藝工作站應為雙面移動工作站,配有儀表安裝管、工藝支架和空間,用于安裝兩個60升(16加侖)的儲罐、多四個離心泵以及進行練習所需的其他工藝部件。供應商應確程工作站允許兩組學生同時工作。 The Instrumentation Workstation shall be designed to house the Electrical Unit and the Pneumatic Unit as well as all other electrical equipment used with the training system. The Electrical Unit shall power the instruments used with the training system, and it should include a lockable power switch and a 24 V DC power supply, and allow for cut-off of both the electric and pneumatic power using either an emergency button or the lockable power switch. The Instrumentation Workstation should be double-sided to allow two groups of students to work simultaneously. 儀表工作站應設計為容納電氣裝置、氣動裝置以及與培訓系統一起使用的所有其他電氣設備。電氣裝置應為與培訓系統一起使用的儀表供電,并應包括一個可鎖定電源開關和一個24 V直流電源,并允許使用緊急按鈕或可鎖定電源開關切斷電氣和氣動電源。儀器工作站應該是雙面的,以允許兩組學生同時工作。 The Instrumentation Workstation should consist of the following critical components: 儀表工作站應包括以下關鍵部件:
兩(2)臺壓縮機,帶調壓器和分水器,以及相關壓縮機配件,配有連接插座、連接插頭和連接管。 |
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| 5 | Filtration Station 過濾站 | 1 |
| The Filtering Station filters liquids. The filtrate should be pumped from the first tank into the second tank through the filter via a slide valve. The filtered liquid must reach the second tank via a butterfly valve with a pneumatic semi-rotary actuator. The filtered liquid could be pumped onwards to the next station using a separate pump. The filter could be rinsed using a rinse program. Regulated compressed air should be capable of being blown through the filter to loosen deposits. 過濾站過濾液體。濾液應通過一個滑動閥從*個槽泵入第二個槽。過濾后的液體必須通過帶有氣動半旋轉執行器的蝶形閥到達第二個罐。過濾后的液體可以用單獨的泵送至下一個站。可以使用沖洗程序沖洗過濾器。調節后的壓縮空氣應能被吹過過濾器,以疏松沉積物。 The Station should come with appropriate TROLLEY on which it should be mounted, and completely assembled, wired, tubed-up and commissioned, and it should be operated individually or combined with other stations. 車站應配備適當的小車,小車應安裝在小車上,并*組裝、接線、裝管和調試,并應單獨或與其他車站結合使用。 |
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6 | Mixing Station攪拌站 | 1 | |
| The Mixing Station should be able to mix different recipes from three reservoir tanks. The liquid from one of the three reservoir tanks should be pumped into the main tank in a controlled manner by opening the respective two-way ball valve. The final mixture could be pumped to the next station via a second pump or pumped back to the reservoir tank. The station could be operated individually or combined with other stations. 攪拌站應能混合來自三個蓄水池的不同配方。三個儲液罐中的一個儲液罐的液體應通過打開各自的雙向球閥以可控方式泵入主儲液罐。終混合料可以通過第二臺泵送至下一個站,也可以泵送至水庫水箱。該站可以單獨運行,也可以與其他站聯合運行。 The station should come with a trolley on which it should be mounted, completely assembled, wired, tubed-up and commissioned. 車站應配備一個小車,在小車上安裝、*組裝、接線、裝管和調試。 |
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7 | Reactor Station反應堆站 | 1 | |
| The Reactor Station tempers liquids. Depending on the recipe selected, different temperature profiles with different stirring times are activated. After cooling by the cooling pump, the tempered liquid should be pumped onwards to the next station using a separate pump. 反應站對液體進行調質。根據所選配方,不同攪拌時間的不同溫度曲線被激活。冷卻泵冷卻后,應使用單獨的泵將回火液體泵送至下一個站。 The station, with all necessary components, comes with a trolley on which it should be mounted, completely assembled, wired, tubed-up and commissioned. 車站配有所有必要的部件,配有一個小車,在小車上安裝、*組裝、接線、裝管和調試。 |
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8 | Bottling Station裝瓶站 | 1 | |
| The Filling Station should be able to fill bottles with liquid. The liquid should then be pumped into the dosing tank from the reservoir. The appropriately fitted conveyors transport the bottles to the filling position. Bottles should be separated by a pneumatic separator, and the bottles should then be filled with different filling quantities from the dosing tank in accordance with the recipe selected. 灌裝站應能向瓶子內注入液體。然后,液體應從儲液罐泵入計量罐。合適的傳送帶將瓶子運送到灌裝位置。應使用氣動分離器分離瓶子,然后根據所選的配方,用不同于計量罐的灌裝量填充瓶子。 The Station, with all necessary components, comes with a trolley on which it should be mounted, completely assembled, wired, tubed-up and commissioned. 車站配有所有必要的部件,配有一個小車,在小車上安裝、*組裝、接線、裝管和調試。 The Station should be supplied with all the necessary accessories and software that include and not limited to correct quantity of programmable logic controller, mounting system, and so on. 電站應配備所有必要的附件和軟件,包括但不限于正確數量的可編程邏輯控制器、安裝系統等。 |
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9 | Distributing Station配電站 | 1 | |
| The Distributing Station shall be required to separate work-pieces. The Station should have gravity-fed stacking magazine to store at least eight work-pieces in the transparent storage magazine tube and a double-acting cylinder to push the work-pieces out one at a time and the changer module to grip the separated work-pieces via a suction gripper. The swivel arm of the changer, which should be driven by a rotary actuator, should be able to move the work-pieces to the transfer point of the downstream station. 應要求配電站分離工件。工作站應配備重力送料堆垛庫,以將至少八個工件存儲在透明的存儲庫管和雙作用氣缸中,一次推出一個工件,換熱器模塊通過吸力夾持器夾持分離的工件。換熱器的旋轉臂應由旋轉執行機構驅動,能夠將工件移動到下游站的轉移點。 |
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10 | Buffering Station緩沖站 | 1 | |
| The Buffer Station should come with all necessary components including a conveyor and a separator to buffer and separate up to five work-pieces. The Station should be assembled, wired and tested. 緩沖站應配備所有必要的部件,包括傳送帶和分離器,以緩沖和分離多達五個工件。該站應進行組裝、接線和測試。 |
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11 | Pneumatic Handling Station氣動裝卸站 | 1 | |
| The Pneumatic Handling Station should be equipped among other components, with a flexible two-axis handling device, a pneumatic gripper with optical sensor. Workpieces inserted into the holder are detected by an optical diffuse sensor. The Station should be assembled, wired and tested based on the required parameters. 氣動裝卸站應配備其他部件,包括一個靈活的雙軸裝卸裝置、一個帶光學傳感器的氣動抓手。插入夾持器的工件由光學擴散傳感器檢測。應根據所需參數組裝、接線和測試站。 |
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| Accessories for Workstations工作站附件 |
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| The accessories to be supplied together with the Distribution, Buffering and Pneumatic Handling Stations include three (3) appropriately assembled trolleys; three (3) appropriately constructed control consoles; three (3) Programmable Logic Controllers; one (1) Conveyor system and six (6) relevant cables. The supply should include two (2) software packages as well. 與分配、緩沖和氣動裝卸站一起提供的附件包括三(3)個適當組裝的小車;三(3)個適當構造的控制臺;三(3)個可編程邏輯控制器;一(1)個傳送系統和六(6)個相關的電纜。供應也應包括兩(2)個軟件包。 |
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12 | Bottling Station裝瓶站 | 1 | |
| The Bottling Station should be able to offer a wide range of different functions found in food industries: Bottle feeding with conveyor, indexing table, filling of bottles with special filling device, handling of caps with handling device. 裝瓶站應能提供食品工業中廣泛的不同功能:帶傳送帶的裝瓶、分度臺、帶特殊裝瓶裝置的裝瓶、帶處理裝置的瓶蓋處理。 The Bottling Station should be made of aluminium profiles, a handling device which should be pneumatically actuated, with at least 12 positions of the indexing table, and the adjustable, stainless steel filling device. The Station should also include a conveyor to the packaging station; double conveyor bottle feeding device; a programmable logical controller and the control system. 裝瓶站應采用鋁型材、一個應氣動的裝卸裝置、至少12個位置的分度臺以及可調節的不銹鋼灌裝裝置。該站還應包括到包裝站的輸送機;雙輸送機送瓶裝置;可編程邏輯控制器和控制系統。 |
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13 | Packaging Station包裝站 | 1 | |
| The Packaging Station to be supplied should be able to utilize a full industrial, high precision 2-axis pneumatic handling device in the typical workstation environment for packaging of bottles. The bottles would be delivered on a conveyor belt. The handling device should be able to pick up 3 bottles simultaneously and place them into the box using the three-fold gripper. 提供的包裝站應能在典型的工作站環境中利用全工業、高精度的2軸氣動裝卸設備進行瓶子包裝。瓶子將通過傳送帶傳送。操作裝置應能同時拿起3瓶,并使用三個折疊夾持器將它們放入盒子中。 The Packaging Station should be made of aluminium profiles or better, a handling device which should be pneumatically actuated, with at least 12 positions of the indexing table, and the adjustable, stainless steel filling device. The Station should also include a conveyor to the packaging station; double conveyor bottle feeding device with bottle buffer capacity of at least 15 and at least eight sensors; a programmable logical controller, the control system and colour sensor. 包裝站應采用鋁型材或更好的材料制成,搬運裝置應氣動,至少有12個位置的分度臺,以及可調節的不銹鋼填充裝置。該站還應包括一個到包裝站的傳送帶;具有至少15個和至少8個傳感器的緩沖瓶容量的雙傳送送瓶裝置;一個可編程邏輯控制器、控制系統和顏色傳感器。 |
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14 | Automatic Storage and Retrieval System Station自動存儲和檢索系統站 | 1 | |
| This equipment should be as good as automatic warehouse which could hold up to at least 16 six-packs on 4 levels each with 4 bays. The handling system could be used for stock movement. The warehouse should be mounted on a rigid aluminium base frame with profile plate. The Station also comes with programmable logical controller. 該設備應與自動倉庫一樣好,自動倉庫可容納至少16個6包,每個4層,4個隔間。處理系統可用于庫存移動。倉庫應安裝在帶模板的剛性鋁基架上。該站還配有可編程邏輯控制器。 |
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15 | Incoming/Outgoing Goods Station進出貨站 | 1 | |
| The In/Out Station should be mounted on a profile plate with rigid aluminium profile base frame. The Station should be controlled by an industrial Controller and managed by a set of push buttons and indicators as well as an Emergency Stop button, placed at the front side of the Station. The safety concept for the recycling station should include doors with a safety switch and an emergency stop button. It should also include programmable logical controller and control system. 進出站應安裝在帶有剛性鋁型材底座的模板上。站場應由工業控制器控制,并由一套按鈕和指示器以及一個緊急停止按鈕進行管理,該按鈕和指示器位于站場正面。回收站的安全概念應包括帶安全開關和緊急停止按鈕的門。它還應包括可編程邏輯控制器和控制系統。 |
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16 | Automated Recycling with Robot Station機器人站自動回收 | 1 | |
| The Station should have a robot type and robot controller that should be used to separate the caps from the bottles and empties the bottles. Caps should be replaceable in the magazine of the distributing station. With the help of a conveyor, bottles are re-transported to the Bottling Station. 該站應該有一個機器人類型和機器人控制器,用于將瓶蓋與瓶子分開并清空瓶子。集散站庫中的蓋子應可更換。在輸送機的幫助下,瓶子被重新運送到裝瓶站。 |
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17 | Automated Unpacking Station自動開箱站 | 1 | |
| The Unpacking Station should be able to utilize a full industrial, high precision 2-axis pneumatic handling device in the typical workstation environment for removing of bottles. The bottles should be delivered in six-packs. The handling device should be able to pick up 3 bottles simultaneously and place them from the six-pack onto the conveyor using the three-fold gripper. The Station should be constructed from aluminium profiles and should have profile plate grid. The following components and software would play a huge role in making the Station beneficial in its application at the University: 開箱站應能在典型的工作站環境中利用全工業、高精度的2軸氣動裝卸裝置來卸瓶。這些瓶子應該分六包交貨。裝卸設備應能夠同時拿起3瓶,并使用三個折疊夾持器將它們從6個包裝中放到傳送帶上。該站應采用鋁型材建造,并應具有模板網格。以下組件和軟件將在使空間站有益于其在大學的應用方面發揮巨大作用: