我司致力于將進技術和設備引進中國,造福中國人民,主營國賽默飛世爾(ThermoFisher)原裝配件耗材(比如:ICP光譜,ICP-MS質譜,AAS原子吸收光譜, GC-MS氣質,LC-MS液質,ARL3460/4460/8820直讀光譜,9800/9900X熒光光譜, 同位素質譜,紅外光譜等儀器備件),珀金埃爾默(PerkinElmer)耗材,美國安捷倫(Agilent)耗材,美國沃特世(Waters)耗材,戴安(DIONEX)離子色譜耗材,瑞士萬通(Metrohm)耗材等。
11mm coated BTO Septum(5/pk), | |
smart2pure | 純水濾芯 smart2pure |
1305920 | 進樣管,1305920 |
003865 | Capillary tube 0.5mm, ID |
Set of thumbscrews for spray chamber, | |
鈣鎂合金燈, | |
6822.0006 | 進樣針 2500ul, U3000, syringe,2500uL, WPS-3000SL, 6822.0006 |
非編碼空心陰極燈 鎳(Ni) | |
非編碼空心陰極燈 鉻(Cr) | |
非編碼空心陰極燈 鐵(Fe) | |
非編碼空心陰極燈 銅(Cu) | |
非編碼空心陰極燈 鋅(Zn) | |
060254 | 硝酸根溶劑標樣,060254 |
057085 | Dionex OnGuard II H Crtgs,1cc,48-pack,057085 |
057086 | Dionex OnGuard II H Crtgs,2.5cc,48pk,057086 |
6040.4131 | Drop sensor kit pump,2G ,6040.4131 |
vials,with caps,septal, | |
046115 | 離子色譜柱 糖柱保護柱PA10, 4*50mm,046115 |
046110 | 離子色譜柱 糖柱PA10,4*250mm,046110 |
1320270 | PFA 接口,PFA Elbow with Auxiliary Gas Port Quartz, 1320270 |
鈹燈,Berylium,uncoded hollow catode lamp, | |
1161870 | micromist nebulizer 0.2ml/min, 1161870 |
樣品管, 16mm*100mm(1000kit), | |
Icap 6000 setup solution(loaded blank), | |
1319310 | Pump oil PFPE leybonol LVO 420, 1319310 |
-315 | Radial Torch,EMT垂直炬管 |
-315 | Nebuliser霧化器 |
-315 | Nebuliser高鹽霧化器 |
315.SL9709MR | Radial EMT Torch石英炬管 |
315.9526 | Nebulisher霧化器(含、進樣管及接頭、卡子、雙藍口FESTD管) |
315.ZPTFE-VIT-09 | Pump tubing organic drain 有機物排出泵管含6根管子,每根管子配兩個雙卡套 |
-315 | Center Tube 2mm ID(EMT)中心管 |
315.ZPTFE-VIT-06 | Pump tubing organic sample有機樣品泵管 |
315. | Pump tubing aqueous sample (pack 6) |
315.ZPTFE-PVC-09 | Pump tubing aqueous drain水溶液排出泵管 |
315.ZPTFE-PVC-06 | Pump tubing aqueous sample 水溶液泵管 |
315.PS8052MB | EMT中心管 injector Tube 1.0 |
315.PS9055MB | 中心管1.5mm EMT Torch Centre Tube |
315. | Pump tubing aqueous drain (pack 6) |
315. | Pump tubing organic sample (pack 6) |
Pump tubing organic drain (pack 6) | |
Internal Standards Kit | |
-315 | Duo - Radial Plasma View Window |
Replacement Plumbing Kit Enhanced Vapour | |
Base&Inner Tube for Radial & Duo D Torch | |
-315 | Ceramic Outer Tube for Duo Torch |
Ceramic Outer Tube for Radial D Torch | |
Quartz Outer Tube for Duo Torch | |
Quartz Outer Tube for Radial D Torch | |
Optic Fiber for Duo D Torch | |
Retaining Ring for Radial & Duo D Torch | |
Injector Adaptor for Radial&Duo D Torch | |
D Torch Sampling O Ring Kit |