M-DCM-10G-SC is an integrated Tunable Optical Dispersion Compensation Module for 10Gbps RZ and NRZ applications.
It is used for a pre or post compensation of a single channel and can be used as DCF replacement for Submarine applications.
The M-DCM-10G-SC is based on Civcom standard 16PIN butterfly sealed packaged TODC that contains Gires-Tournois (GT) etalons cascaded in free-space.
The M-DCM-10G-SC supports both 33GHz and 50GHz spacing in the same device. The device can tune itself either to 50GHz or 33GHz by using the incoming ITU information given by the user.
The M-DCM-10G-SC module is used to compensate for chromatic dispersion values ranging from -800ps/nm to +800ps/nm with operating bandwidth of 32GHz suitable for 10Gbps RZ and NRZ modulation.
The M-DCM-10G-SC introduces a low insertion loss, low power consumption and small size Dispersion Compensation Module. By using a CPU and software commands over RS232, the M-DCM-10G-SC allows remote managing of dispersion, reduces in-line amplification requirements and allows remote managing of dispersion while using a single part number as a substitute to multiple DCF
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可調光色散補償模塊 tunable DCM 產品信息