clamp is used for connecting flat tape to solid circular conductor, for example where the lightning protection system has been designed in 8mm copper conductor but the connection to the earth rod is made using 25 x 3mm copper tape. It will also serve for making through joints and tee connections in 8mm solid circular conductor.
該用于扁帶和圓線的連接,比如:引下線是8mm的圓線,但是和棒的連接是25 x 3mm
Material: Gunmetal.材料:青銅
Conductor Size 導體尺寸mm | L 長 mm | W 寬 mm | H 高 mm | Unit Weight 重量kg | Pack Quantity 包裝數量 | Part Number 訂貨號碼 |
8 & 25 x 3 | 70 | 34 | 15 | 0.25 | 25 | LIT 253 |