Fabricated entirely from carbon steel.
Totally enclosed weatherproof housing.
Scotch yoke mechanism to suit valve torque requirements.
Relief vent to expel undesired overpressure.
Low pressure pneumatic cylinder for supply pressures up to 12 bar design suitable for instrument air or sweet / inert gas applications or special application with material according to NACE requirements for sour gas supply medium.
Carbon steel piston with dynamic floating O-ring seals coupled with lubricating piston guide rings.
Carbon steel spring cartridge (only for single acting) with safety facility which allows safe installation and removal of the whole cartridge assembly.
AISI 316SS mechanical position indicator (fully sealed IP68 to avoid ingress into the scotch yoke area) complete with VDI/VDE 3845 NAMUR drive slot for monitoring devices.
Bronze sliding blocks which ensure minimum friction, allowing for a long service life and reducing maintenance costs.
Bronze thrust bearings and high strength alloy steel chromium plated thrust reaction bar which guides the scotch yoke throughout its stroke and supports all transverse loads generated.
ASTM A 320 L7 alloy steel tie rods, with standard electrolytic zinc coating according to ASTM B633 FeZn 12 (thickness 12μm).
Alloy steel end travel stops allow for accurate angular stroke adjustment.
Integral manual override facilities.
Design allows 4 x 90° actuator rotation.
Supply pressure up to 12 bar design.
Actuator torque output up to 1.000.000 Nm for single acting and up to 2.000.000 Nm for double acting.
Spring starting torque up to 400.000 Nm.
Spring ending torque up to 250.000 Nm.
Standard operating temperature range -30°C / +100°C.
Special low temperature application up to -60°C.
Special high temperature application up to +200°C.
All ProControl pressure containing parts are designed according to ASME VIII div.1 and EN 13445.
All ProControl actuators are designed for 30 years’
上海邁倍機電是一家眾多國際品牌的閥門、儀表及其相關產品在中國的代理公司,業務范圍涉及石油、天然氣、石化、化工、氣體、電力、船舶及其他相關工業領域。公司自成立以來,始終致力于建立本地化的技術應用支持和售后服務,通過強化技術應用支持、工程、售后服務等方面職能快速響應客戶,以滿足迅速發展的中國工業自動化市場的多元化需求。 我司與液化空氣、空氣化工、林德氣體、瓦克化學、上海工業氣體、阿科瑪化學、諾華制藥、西門子、宜瑞安等大型企業都建立了長期的合作關系。 上海邁倍機電的目標是成為各行業閥門儀表及其相關產品的一站式供應商,以實現客戶滿意度的。 公司代理的主要品牌如下: 1. 儀電類 – WIKA、Emerson、YOKOGAWA、ROSEMOUNT、E+H、SIEMENS、ASCO、SIERRA、P+F 2. 閥門 – SAMSON、NBS、KSB、ECONOSTO、 ARCA 、SPIRAX SARCO、HONEYWELL 3. 泵— SULZER 4. 海外直購品牌—MAFAG氣缸、POLMAN氣缸、Drain-ALL的疏水器、美國CAMERON旗下WKM 閥體 上海邁倍機電還致力于蒸汽和水應用的解決方案,著力為客戶提高效率、節約能源。我們專業從事諸如斯派莎克疏水閥等蒸汽相關產品的銷售和服務,同時我們能為客戶提供一整套的解決方案:蒸汽動力系統設計、蒸汽動力系統節能咨詢、蒸汽產品成套設備安裝指導、現場售后服務及系統維護服務。 同時,上海邁倍機電不斷強化和升級產品及服務,為現有客戶及潛在客戶提供靈活多樣的選擇。為滿足客戶需求,自2015開始,我們開設了自動化產品歐美一站式采購,,保證貨源為客戶降低成本。在今日商業與工業相互依存的化世界中,我們致力于建立專業化的團隊,與客戶和合作伙伴發展長期深入的合作關系,為客戶提供可靠的產品和優質的服務,成為更多客戶信賴的戰略合作伙伴! 上海邁倍機電自成立以來 一直秉承“以誠興業,精益求精”的經營理念,視客戶為摯友,視員工為最寶貴的財富,團結一致,勇往直前,不斷創新 ,我們愿與更多國內外優質客戶攜手并進,共同發展,共同繁榮,共創美好未來!
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