The AMETEK screwpump is designed for very easy generation of high pressure. This pump is part of system D. The screwpump has a 4 connection manifold. Fine adjustment, vernier valve, liquid reservoir, and fittings are optional. The AMETEK screwpump may be delivered for 2 different test media: hydraulic oil or water. Pressure range 350 bar / 0 to 5,000 psi Ready-to-use pressure systems Ready-to-use pressure systems for the DPC-500, APC, CPC, and IPI calibrators. For all pressure systems the pump and the indicator are separate systems. Therefore a replacement of the pump does not mean that you have to send the complete system for repair. Maintenance of the instrument is also made easy. Recalibration of the unit can be performed locally with an accurate pressure reference: No need to send the unit back to the manufacturer for recalibration. If you do require a factory calibration, the pump and indicator are independent and only the indicator needs to be returned. JOFRA pressure calibrators are as standard delivered as individual indicators or as a complete calibration systems ready to use in a carrying case, including pump, hose, set of fittings, batteries, test leads, user manual, and a NIST traceable calibration certificate. |
北京泰瑞美達科技發展有限公司成立于2002年,是一家專業提供工業檢測儀器以及相關技術服務的公司。 公司主要服務于電力、環保、石油、化工、冶金等行業。 憑借技術、信息、產品以及價格的優勢,泰瑞美達科技在市場開發上取得了良好的成績,與廣大客戶建立了穩定、良好的業務關系,同時公司也得到了迅速的發展。 泰瑞美達科技自2006年起成為 AMETEK 校準儀器在中國區的代理商,目前已經成為 AMETEK STC 在國內的主要代理商之一,主要代理銷售 AMETEK 旗下 JOFRA、Crystal、M&G 等品牌產品。 泰瑞美達真誠地希望通過為用戶提供國內外的產品和技術,更好地服務于國內所需的行業和部門,并上促進國內相關行業與企業的進步和發展。 秉承著客戶至上的工作宗旨,泰瑞美達將始終以踏實嚴謹的工作作風和開拓進取的專業精神,為每一位客戶提供一站式、專業優質的產品與服務。
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