寶德8225 C = 0.01 FPM 115–230VAC 00426935:電導率原理和結構品種:1.公稱壓力:這個參數與其他通用閥門的含義是一樣的,是根據管道公稱壓力來定的。2.工作壓力:如果工作壓力低則必須選用直動或分布直動式原理;zui低工作壓差在0.04Mpa以上時直動、分布直動式、先導式均可選用。
Type 8225 conductivity transmitter includes conductivity sensor and transmitter with display. The shell is IP 65 splash proof plastic. The sensor element is a replaceable electrode, the stainless steel electrode with the cell constant of 0.01 and 0.1, and the graphite electrode with 1 and 10. The sensor also has a standard configuration Pt1000 for automatic temperature compensation
寶德8225 C = 0.01 FPM 115–230VAC 00426935:
寶德8225 C = 0.01 FPM 115–230VAC 00426935:本公司代理寶德原裝*現貨,歡迎各位前來咨詢!!!burkert產品有電磁閥,比例控制電磁閥,氣動角座閥,氣動隔膜閥,氣動球閥,氣動蝶閥,氣動過程控制角座閥,氣動過程控制隔膜閥,閥門定位器,渦輪流量計,容積式流量計,電磁流量計,超聲波流量計,電導率,PH/ORP計,壓力傳感器,液位傳感器,浮子開關等全系列產品,可提供售前咨詢