High Performance LAN Security | Protection and performance |
Encryption Offloading | Adapter offloads IPSec encryption/decryption from PC, conserving CPU resources for greater network performance |
Intel® 82550 Fast Ethernet Controller with Integrated Encryption | Combines network functions and encryption offloading into same silicon for improved performance and reliability |
Windows* 2000 Optimization, IPSec Support | Improves performance of IPSec functionality in Windows 2000 operating systems through encryption offloading |
Intel® Packet Protect II Software | Adds IPSec functionality to Windows NT* and Windows* 98 systems |
3DES (168bit) Encryption | Highest level of encryption widely available for data protection |
Advanced Management Capabilities | Ease IT administration and reduce support costs |
Wired for Management (WfM) 2.0 Enabled | Remote management across platforms |
Wake on LAN* and Desktop Management Interface (DMI) 2.0 | Remote troubleshooting and asset management |
Pre-installed Intel® Boot Agent | Deploy and upgrade PCs remotely |
| Fast, easy access to management applications |
ACPI Compliant | Reduced power consumption |
Intel® PROSet II Utility | Windows utility for easy setup |
Intel® SingleDriver™ Technology | Common set of drivers across Intel® 10/100 network adapters simplifies setup and maintenance, and decreases driver conflicts among new and legacy systems |
Supports All Major | Compatible with your environment as your network evolves |
Backward Compatible | Integrates with existing Intel network adapters and network-ready PCs with Intel® Fast Ethernet technology |
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英特爾® PRO/100 S 臺式機適配器 產品信息
Features and Benefits