Perspiration fastness tester, can color fastness perspiration on water and the determination of textile. This instrument provides 1 stainless steel sample holder, which can accommodate 20 10cm × 4cm specimen. Provide BS, ISO andAATCC acrylonitrile partition plate. Provide BS, ISO and AATCC standard weight, requires the use of high precisionoven.
Technical indicators:
AATCC weight: 3.63kg (8LB)
ISO weight: 4.08kg (9LB)
Plate weight: 0.90kg (2LB)
Dimensions: 165 x 75 x 145mm (L * W * H)
Sweat -AATCC 15, EN ISO 105 Part E04, DIN 54020
The -AATCC 107, EN ISO 105 Part E02, DIN 54007
Water -AATCC 106, EN ISO 105 Part E01, DIN 54006
In PVC-ISO Part X10 105, DIN 54072
The instrument model: DH-631耐汗漬色牢度測試儀