burkert S020 寶德流量計接頭寶德流量計接頭配件可用于連接任意 INSERTION 設備,用于在管道中進行測量,例如測量流量、pH 值、氧化還原電勢和電導率。配件可用于渦輪式和電磁感應式流量計和分析測量儀,帶 G2“ 接口或夾持接口。Burkert S020 baode baode flowmeter flowmeter joint connector accessories can be used to connect any INSERTION device, is used to measure in the pipeline, such as measurement of flow rate, pH, REDOX potential and conductivity. Accessories can be used in turbine and electromagnetic induction flowmeter and analytical measuring instrument, with G2 "interface or clamping interface."
burkert S020 寶德流量計接頭
- INSERTION 測量儀的通用配件適用于中性、腐蝕性或受污染的液體
- 流程接口種類廣泛:由 PVC、PP、PVDF、PE、不銹鋼、黃銅等制成的 DN06 到 400
- 變送器可用于:- 顯示、監控、信號傳輸 - 兩點調節、計量控制
The universal parts of the measuring instrument are suitable for neutral, corrosive or contaminated liquids
The process interface is wide variety: PVC, PP, PVDF, PE, stainless steel, brass and so on DN06 to 400
The transmitter can be used for: - display, monitoring, signal transmission - two - adjustment, metering control