國產毛細管流變儀制造商 實驗原料
流變性能的儀器一般稱為流變儀,有時又叫粘度計。在測定和研究塑料熔體流變性的各種儀器中,毛細管流變儀是一種常用的較為合適的試驗儀器,它具有多種功能和寬廣范圍的剪切速率容量。毛細管流變儀即可以測定塑料熔體在毛細管中的剪切應力和剪切速率的關系,又可以根據擠出物的直徑和外觀或在恒定應力下通過改變毛細管的長徑比來研究熔體的彈性和不穩定流動(包括熔體破裂)現象。從而測其加工行為,作為選擇復合物配方、尋求 成型工藝條件和控制產品質量的依據;或者為輔助成型模具和塑料機械設計提供基本數據。
國產毛細管流變儀制造商 毛細管流變儀可以測定高聚物的軟化點、熔點、流動點、粘度粘流活化能,熱固性材料的固化溫度等性能指標。這些數據對研究高聚物流變性能有重要的作用。
Experimental raw materials
Thermoplastic materials such as PE, PP, PS and their composite powders, granules, strip films or molded blocks; Before the experiment, corresponding treatments such as drying should be carried out according to the material category and properties.
When the plastic melt passes through the capillary die, the pressure and temperature of the melt are measured by pressure sensors and thermocouples installed at the capillary die, and the microcomputer records the values of the melt pressure and temperature.
The instrument for rheological properties is generally called a rheometer, sometimes also called a viscometer. Among various instruments for measuring and studying the rheological properties of plastic melts, capillary rheometer is a commonly used and suitable testing instrument, which has multiple functions and a wide range of shear rate capacity. The capillary rheometer can measure the relationship between shear stress and shear rate of plastic melt in the capillary tube, and can also study the elasticity and unstable flow (including melt fracture) of the melt by changing the aspect ratio of the capillary tube under constant stress or based on the diameter and appearance of the extruded material. Thus measuring its processing behavior as a basis for selecting composite formulations, seeking optimal molding process conditions, and controlling product quality; Or provide basic data for auxiliary molding molds and plastic machinery design.
Capillary rheometer can measure performance indicators such as softening point, melting point, flow point, viscosity, viscous flow activation energy, and curing temperature of thermosetting materials of polymers. These data play an important role in studying the rheological properties of polymers.
If you are looking for a precise melt index analyzer, you may consider using a capillary rheometer. A typical melt index meter only measures a point on the shear rate/viscosity curve and can only evaluate the flowability or average molecular weight of materials, while a capillary rheometer can measure the changes in material viscosity with temperature and pressure. During the experiment, the temperature remains constant and the piston moves at several different rates to determine the relationship between viscosity, shear rate, and shear force.
Data processing
1. Start operating the application software.
2. Enter experimental report information.
3. Add data files and input experimental parameters to perform experimental operations.
4. Filter data. View the filtered data and check its validity and rationality.
5. Display curves and data.
6. After the experiment is completed, print and save the data and curves.
7. Shut down the system.
其中 R—毛細管的內半徑,這里 R=0.635 mm
剪切速率為: =4Q/πR3
其中 Q—擠出流量cm3/s
用于測量高分子熔體在毛細管中的剪切應力和剪切速率的關系,直接觀察擠出物的外型,通過改變長徑比來研究熔體的彈性和不穩定性,測定聚合物的狀態變化等。對聚合物流變性能的研究,不僅可為加工提供 的工藝條件,為塑料機械設計參數提供數據,而且可在材料選擇、原料改性方面獲得有關結構和分子參數等有用的數據。模擬加工模式更多,剪切速率范圍更寬。
物料在電加熱的料桶里被加熱熔融,料桶的下部安裝有一定規格的毛細管口模(有不同直徑 0.25~2mm和不同長度的0.25~40mm),溫度穩定后,料桶上部的料桿在驅動馬達的帶動下以一定的速度或以一定規律變化的速度把物料從毛細管口模種擠出來。在擠出的過程中,可以測量出毛細管口模入口出的壓力,在結合已知的速度參數、口模和料桶參數、以及流變學模型,從而計算出在不同剪切速率下熔體的剪切粘度。
Experimental principle
The basic principle of capillary rheometer testing is to set an infinitely long circular capillary tube, and the flow of plastic melt in the tube is a stable laminar flow of an incompressible viscous fluid; Due to the viscosity of fluids, they are inevitably subjected to forces from the pipe wall that are opposite in direction to the fluid. By deriving the principles of fluid mechanics processes such as equilibrium between viscous resistance and driving force, the relationship between shear stress and shear rate at the pipe wall, pressure, and melt flow rate can be obtained as follows:
The shear stress of the material flowing through the capillary is:
Among them, R - the inner radius of the capillary tube, here R=0.635 mm
Δ P - pressure difference of material flowing through capillary tube kg/cm2
L - the length of the capillary tube, for example, selecting a capillary tube with a length to diameter ratio of 30:1, L=38.1mm
Shear rate:=4Q/π R3
Where Q - extrusion flow rate cm3/s
Therefore, under the condition of constant temperature and capillary length to diameter ratio (L/2R), the flow rate Q of plastic melt through the capillary tube under different pressures can be measured. By calculating the corresponding shear stress and shear rate from the flow rate and the pressure difference Δ P at both ends of the capillary tube, a set of corresponding τ and can be plotted on logarithmic coordinate paper to obtain the non Newtonian index (n) and the apparent viscosity of the melt (η a); By changing the temperature or altering the aspect ratio of the capillary, the viscous flow activation energy representing the temperature dependence of viscosity can be obtained; And physical parameters that characterize rheological properties, such as the modulus expansion ratio.
A capillary rheometer is a device used to measure shear stress rate under high stress. It can measure the flowability and curing speed of thermosetting materials, draw stress-strain curves and plasticization curves of thermoplastic materials, and determine the temperature of softening point, melting point, and flow point. Measuring the viscosity and viscous flow activation of polymer melts, as well as studying the process conditions of melt spinning.
Used to measure the relationship between shear stress and shear rate of polymer melts in capillaries, directly observe the appearance of extruded materials, study the elasticity and instability of melts by changing the aspect ratio, and determine changes in the state of polymers. The study of polymer rheological properties can not only provide optimal processing conditions and data for plastic machinery design parameters, but also obtain useful data on structure and molecular parameters in material selection and raw material modification. There are more simulation processing modes and a wider range of shear rates.
The material is heated and melted in an electrically heated barrel, and a certain specification of capillary tube mouth mold (with different diameters of 0.25-2mm and lengths of 0.25-40mm) is installed at the lower part of the barrel. After the temperature stabilizes, the material rod at the upper part of the barrel is driven by a driving motor to extrude the material from the capillary tube mouth mold at a certain speed or at a certain regular speed. During the extrusion process, the pressure at the entrance of the capillary die can be measured, and the shear viscosity of the melt at different shear rates can be calculated by combining known velocity parameters, die and barrel parameters, and rheological models.
System composition of capillary rheometer
Capillary rheometer is a material rheological property testing equipment based on plasticization analysis research. Its outstanding feature is that it can study the rheological behavior of materials under close to real processing conditions. The capillary rheometer is mainly composed of a driving system, a temperature control system, a software system, and various accessories.
driving system
The driving system of the capillary rheometer mainly provides power and control functions for various functional units, and its chamber is a cylindrical plasticizer, which is an important component of the rheometer. In the processing of polymer materials, different molds are usually selected based on the shear strength requirements of the test material. By recording the changes in temperature, apparent shear stress, and viscosity of materials with shear rate during the testing process. Can study the dispersion performance, flow behavior, and thermal stability of materials during processing. And obtain the rheological curve. Objectively present the processing and plasticization process of materials.
Temperature control system
The temperature control system of a capillary rheometer mainly measures the temperature value of the chamber through sensors, converts it into a signal, and then inputs it into a temperature display and adjustment instrument. Compared with the set signal, after calculation, the output operating variable of the actuator is changed, thereby changing the heat output of the national heat chamber and achieving the purpose of temperature control. When the temperature inside the chamber is greater than the limited range, the temperature control system will automatically lower the temperature. When the temperature inside the chamber is less than this range, the temperature control system will automatically increase the temperature to ensure the normal connection of the system hardware equipment and sensors.
二、產品自客戶驗收之日起,免費保修 2 年,終身維修。
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2、培 訓:
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