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Camera Station EX286

  • 公司名稱常州裕華電子設備制造有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地常州市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2024/10/23 11:40:40
  • 訪問次數82

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常州裕華電子設備制造有限公司是股份制民營企業,屬研制、開發、生產防爆工業監視系統,防爆工業通訊指揮系統等設備為主的*,目前已發展成具有一定規模并在國內、外有一定影響力的技術型經濟實體,位于長江三角洲經濟圈——江蘇常州市鐘樓經濟開發區,占地30000平方米,擁有15000平方米現代化廠房和完整的生產設備、設施;近年為適應公司的發展需要,除常州市本部是產品開發、研制、生產基地外,相繼成立了深圳分公司、太原分公司、北京辦事處、西安辦事處、新疆辦事處等信息、銷售、服務機構。是目前中國較大的防爆工業監視系統、防爆工業通訊指揮系統設備的制造基地,主要產品——防爆工業監視系統、防爆工業通訊指揮系統系列產品,列為2003年國家重點新產品項目,是國家創新基金無償撥款資助項目,現已通過國家的項目驗收合格。 企業產品自行設計,擁有自主知識產權。生產的防爆工業監視系統、防爆工業通訊指揮系統系列產品取得了不同級別的防爆合格證書和煤礦安全準用證,防爆產品已涵蓋礦井瓦斯防爆(I類)、氣體防爆IIB級、IIC級、粉塵防爆、特種功能(防腐、耐高溫、耐低溫、防塵、防水、防震、防強磁場等)及復合功能(防爆+特種功能)等類型,已形成兩大門類系列產品,擁有六十余個品種。工廠獲得中國化工裝備總公司的定點生產企業證書和*公司*產品證書,被中國安全防范產品行業協會評選為常務理事單位。按《國家*、*第12號令》《中華人民共和國*第19號令》,嚴格按法律法規辦事,2003年獲得同類產品中全國*張防爆電氣產品“生產許可證”(注冊號:XK-06-123-00251)。 我公司的產品目前已應用在我國石油、化工、煤礦、*、航天、航海、交通等領域。近年來又相繼參與了“粵海鐵一號、二號”、“神舟四號”、“神舟五號”、“神舟六號、”“西氣東輸工程”、“三峽工程”,以及由英、法、澳、中聯合投建的廣東LNG天然氣接收站等國家重點項目。 企業已建立起現代管理機制,規章制度完善,機構精簡,職責明確。 獲得ISO9001:2000版質量管理體系認證,并通過了歐盟ATEX防爆電氣產品質量認證,“裕華”的防爆產品已走進了市場,目前體系運行正常,并呈動態管理和持續改進的良好態勢。
Camera Station EX286 產品信息

HERNIS’ EX Series are highly advanced process and surveillance camera stations that are certified to meet worldwide explosion proof environments. The EX286 is DNV Type approved, meaning it has been tested for operation in the most demanding locations, withstanding physical environmental challenges like vibration, humidity, extreme temperature variations and corrosion from the Arctic to the Sahara. Rated to IP 66 the camera station certifies protection from high-pressure water from any direction, including green sea, guaranteeing no harmful effects.
Equipped with state-of-the-art features the EX286 delivers world renowned reliability. The EX286 combines pan/tilt, camera and Junction Box in one compact component able to withstand the harshest of environments and requires no maintenance. A compact footprint and proficient system components allow for ease of installation and configuration. A single cable is sufficient to transmit data, power and video, routed directly to the control cabinet, eliminating the need for additional junction box equipment.
The high quality 316L Stainless Steel electro polished EX286 guarantees a balanced centre of gravity, ensuring minimal wear and tear on machined parts, and maximum resilience to environmental exposure and direct sunlight, avoiding heat absorption. Low power consumption combined with a reflective surface has resulted in the lowest surface temperature classification possible, i.e. T6. The smooth surface is practically maintenance free.
The EX286’s pan/tilt, zoom, focus, iris, wiper functions are all automatic or manual, at any time to assure maximum accuracy and control. This camera station will quickly focus on a predefined object or area by utilizing the preset position feature. 100 positions are at your fingertips and will allow the operator to alternate between areas, processes or objects rapidly.
The fact that HERNIS is a complete systems supplier ensures that our camera stations have long design life and lifetime factory support*. The EX286 is designed to accept future software upgrade and diagnostics, remotely. The camera station may be used with any of the HERNIS control systems. Its reliability has been proven in thousands of Oil and Gas CCTV installations, worldwide. HERNIS products’ long life cycle and low maintenance contributes to a minimal environmental impact so vital in today’s global awareness.
*24 hour technical support line available for documented systems.

EX certified for Zone 1 (gas group IIC) and Zone 21 (dust)
DNV Type Approved
Well balanced, compact unit
Automatic Day/Night function
IR sensitive
Internal cabling
Integrated Exe junction box
Integrated Wiper (EX286W)
Washer Pump & Tank (optional)
Scratch proof, tempered glass
Sunshield (EX286W standard)
Thermoelectric heating
Tropical Sunshield (optional)
Audio (optional)
Auto focus with manual override
Auto iris with manual override
Multi-cable accommodated
Designed to accept future software upgrades remotely

Purpose-built and resilient
Reduced environmental foot print
Easy Installation
No maintenance
Field Serviceable
No exposed cabling
Accurate positioning
Long design life

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