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新的 TBS2000 非常適用于執行示波器最重要的工作 - 查看和測量信號。它是具有出色性能的基礎示波器。
TBS2000 擁有顯著提高的采集和顯示信號的能力以幫助您更快評估設計。
特點 | 優勢 |
通過單旋鈕平移和縮放來觀測 20M 記錄長度 | 采集長時間信號并在它們之間輕松導航以找到重要細節 |
9 英寸 WVGA 顯示屏,帶 15 個水平分度 | 可在一個屏幕上看到比典型示波器多 50% 的信號。為波形和測量提供更多空間 |
32 個帶選通的自動測量 | 深入分析信號。從單個屏幕選擇測量,其中包括每個測量的圖形化描述 |
1 G S/s | 保證 10 倍的過采樣,讓您確信不會錯過信號細節 |
TekVPI® 探頭接口 | 允許您使用一代有源電壓和電流探頭以獲得寬廣的應用覆蓋范圍。示波器和探頭互相通信以實現自動設置和標度 |
HelpEverywhere 屏幕提示幫助 | 顯示測量和重要設置的圖形化屏幕說明,因此您無需參閱手冊 |
示波器簡介,內置手冊 | 該屏幕手冊將拓寬您對示波器及其使用的一般知識 |
課件功能 | 讓教授能夠在示波器顯示屏上呈現實驗室操作信息和指導 |
TekSmartLab 兼容性 | 使教授能夠點擊幾下鼠標即可批量配置其實驗室中的所有儀器,并且可從站點監控實驗室中的所有儀器 |
5 年保修 | 保證可靠性 |
All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.
Model overview
TBS2072 | TBS2102 | TBS2074 | TBS2104 | |
Analog channels | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 |
Bandwidth | 70 MHz | 100 MHz | 70 MHz | 100 MHz |
Sample rate | 1 GS/s | 1 GS/s | 1 GS/s | 1 GS/s |
Record length | 20 M points | 20 M points | 20 M points | 20 M points |
Vertical system analog channels
- Hardware bandwidth limits
- 20 MHz
- Input coupling
- DC, AC, or GND
- Input impedance
1 MΩ ± 2 %, 11.5 pF ± 2.5 pF
- Input sensitivity range
- 2 mV/Div to 5 V/Div
- Vertical resolution
8 bits
- Maximum input voltage, 1 MΩ
300 V RMS with peaks ≤ ±450 V
- Acquisition modes
- Sample
- Acquire sampled values.
- Peak Detect
- Captures glitches as narrow as 3.5 ns at all sweep speeds.
- Average
- From 2 to 512 waveforms included in average.
- Roll
- Scrolls waveforms right to left across the screen at sweep speeds slower than or equal to 40 ms/div (400 ms/div at 20M record length).
- Math modes
- All units:
Ch 1 - Ch 2
Ch 2 - Ch 1
Ch 1 + Ch 2
Ch 1 X Ch 2
- 4 channel units:
Ch 3 - Ch 4
Ch 3 + Ch 4
Ch 4 - Ch 3
Ch 3 X Ch 4
- DC balance
± (1 mV +0.1 div)
- DC gain accuracy
± 3% 10 mV/div through 5 V/div-
± 4% typical 2 mV/div and 5 mV/div
- DC voltage measurement accuracy average mode
- Average of > 16 waveforms
- ±((DC Gain Accuracy) X |reading - (offset - position)| + Offset Accuracy + 0.11 div + 1 mV)
- Delta Volts between any two averages of ≥16 waveforms acquired with the same oscilloscope setup and ambient conditions
- ±(DC Gain Accuracy X |reading| + 0.08 div + 1.4 mV)
- Vertical position range
- ± 5 divisions
- Vertical offset ranges
Volts/Div setting Offset range, 1 MΩ
2 mV/div to 200 mV/div ± 0.8 V > 200 mV/div to 5 V/div ± 20 V
- Analog bandwidth, DC coupled
- 100 MHz models:
DC to ≥100 MHz for 2 mV/div through 5 V/div.
- 70 MHz models:
DC to ≥70 MHz for 2 mV/div through 5 V/div.
- Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), typical
- 100:1 at 60 Hz, reducing to 10:1 with 50 MHz sine wave with equal Volts/div and coupling settings on each channel.
- Channel-to-channel isolation
TBS2072, TBS2074 TBS2102, TBS2104 ≥100:1 at ≤70 MHz ≥100:1 at ≤100 MHz
Horizontal system analog channels
- Maximum duration of time captured at highest sample rate (all channels)
- 1 ms
- Time base range
2 ns/div to 100 sec/div
- Time-base delay time range
- -15 divisions to 5000 s
- Deskew range
- ±100 ns
- Time base accuracy
- ±25 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval
Trigger system
- Trigger modes
- Auto, Normal, and Single
- Trigger holdoff range
- 20 ns to 8 s
- Trigger types
- Edge
- Positive or negative slope on any channel. Coupling includes DC, HF reject, LF reject, and noise reject.
- Pulse width
- Trigger on width of positive or negative pulses that are >, <, =, or ≠ a specified period of time.
- Runt
- Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again.
- Trigger coupling analog channels
- DC, Noise Reject, High Freq Reject, Low Freq Reject.
- Sensitivity, edge–type trigger, DC coupled
Trigger Source Sensitivity Analog inputs 0.4 division from DC to 50 MHz 0.6 divisions >50 MHz to 100 MHz
- Trigger level ranges
Input channels: ± 4.90 divisions from center screen
Data storage
- Nonvolatile memory retention time, typical
- No time limit for Front Panel Settings, saved waveforms, setups, and calibration constants.
- Real-Time clock
- A programmable clock providing time in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Waveform measurements
- Cursors
- Time, amplitude and screen.
- Automated measurements
- 32, of which up to six can be displayed on-screen at any one time. Measurements include: Period, Frequency, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Burst Width, Phase, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, Peak to Peak, Amplitude, High, Low, Max, Min, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Positive Pulse Count, Negative Pulse Count, Rising Edge Count, Falling Edge Count, Area, Cycle Area, Delay FR, Delay FF, Delay FR, and Delay RR.
- Gating
- Isolate the specific occurrence within an acquisition to take measurements on, using either the screen, between waveform cursors or full record length.
Waveform math
- Arithmetic
- Add, subtract, and multiply waveforms.
- Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman-Harris.
Remote control software
- LXI web page
LXI Core 2011. Built-in web page enables remote control of horizontal and vertical scale, trigger settings, and measurements. Allows waveform and image save to USB flash drive.
Display system
- Display type
- 9 inch (228 mm) wide format liquid crystal TFT color display.
- Display resolution
- 800 horizontal by 480 vertical displayed pixels (WVGA).
- Waveform styles
- Vectors, Variable Persistence, and Infinite Persistence.
- Graticules
- Grid, None.
- Format
- YT and XY.
Input output ports
- USB 2.0 high-speed host port
- Supports USB mass storage devices, Wi-Fi dongle, One port available on rear panel and one on front panel.
- USB 2.0 high-speed device port
- Device port
- Rear-panel connector allows for communication/control of oscilloscope through USBTMC or GPIB with a TEK-USB-488.
- Compatible USB-WIFI dongles
TBS2xxx USBWIFI option
TEK-USB-WIFI accessory
- LAN port (Ethernet)
- RJ-45 connector, supports 10/100BASE-T.
- Probe compensator
- Amplitude
- 5 V
- Frequency
- 1 kHz
- Kensington-style lock
- Rear-panel security slot connects to standard Kensington-style lock.
Power source
- Power source voltage
- 100 to 240 VAC RMS ±10%
- Power source frequency
45 Hz to 65 Hz (90 to 264 V)
360 Hz to 440 Hz (100 to 132 V)
- Power consumption
- 80 W maximum
Physical characteristics
- Dimensions
- TBS2xx2:
Height: 174.9 mm (6.89 in)
Width: 372.4 mm (14.66 in)
Depth: 103.3 mm (4.07 in)
- TBS2xx4:
Height: 201.5mm (7.93 in)
Width: 412.8 mm (16.25 in)
Depth: 128.1 mm (5.04 in)
- Weight
- TBS2xx2:
2.62 kg (5.8 lbs.), standalone instrument.
5.1 kg (11.2 lbs.), when packaged for domestic shipment.
- TBS2xx4:
4.17 kg (9.2 lbs.), stand-alone instrument.
7 kg (15.4 lbs.), when packaged for domestic shipment.
- Cooling clearance
- 50 mm (2 in) required on left side and rear of instrument.
EMC, environment, and safety
- Temperature
- Operating:
0 °C to +50 °C (+32 ºF to 122 ºF)
- Nonoperating:
- -40 °C to +71 °C (-40 ºF to 160 ºF)
- Humidity
- Operating:
High: +30 °C to +50 °C, 5% to 60% relative humidity
Low: 0 °C to +30 °C, 5% to 95% relative humidity
- Nonoperating:
High: +30 °C to +55 °C, 5% to 60% relative humidity
Low: 0 °C to +30 °C 5% to 95% relative humidity
- Altitude
- Operating:
- Up to 3,000 meters (9,842 feet).
- Non-Operating:
Up to 12,000 meters (39,370 feet).
- Regulatory
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- EC Council Directive 2004/108/EC
- Safety
- UL61010-1:2004; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010.1: 2004; EN61010-1:2001; complies with the Low Voltage Directive 2004/108/EC for Product Safety.
模擬帶寬 | 采樣率 | 記錄長度 | 模擬通道 |
70MHz | 1 GS/s | 20 M 點 | 2 |
模擬帶寬 | 采樣率 | 記錄長度 | 模擬通道 |
100MHz | 1 GS/s | 20 M 點 | 2 |
模擬帶寬 | 采樣率 | 記錄長度 | 模擬通道 |
70MHz | 1 GS/s | 20 M 點 | 4 |
模擬帶寬 | 采樣率 | 記錄長度 | 模擬通道 |
100MHz | 1 GS/s | 20 M 點 | 4 |
產品技術資料 | 探頭 | 說明 | |
P5100A | 高壓探頭:500 MHz,100X,2.5 kV,單端,BNC |
Low Voltage Probe - Single Ended
產品技術資料 | 探頭 | 說明 | |
TAP1500 | 有源探頭:1.5 GHz,10X,單端,TekVPI |
Current Probe
產品技術資料 | 探頭 | 說明 | |
TCP0020 | 探頭,AC/DC 電流;20 安培,xx MHz 帶寬,TekVPI 接口 - 可追溯校準標準證明 | ||
TCP0030A | 探頭,AC/DC 電流;30 安培 DC,DC 至 120MHZ;帶 TekVPI 接口,可追溯校準標準證明 | ||
TCP0150 | 電流探頭:20 MHz,5 mA 至 212 A,AC/DC,TekVPI | ||
TCP2020 | 電流探頭,DC 耦合,50 MHZ 帶寬,20 A,BNC 接口 |
Differential Probe - High Voltage
產品技術資料 | 探頭 | 說明 | |
TDP0500 | 差分探頭:500 MHz,5X/50X,+/- 42V,TekVPI | ||
THDP0100 | 差分探頭;100 MHZ TekVPI 差分高壓探頭 | ||
THDP0200 | 差分探頭;200 MHZ TekVPI 差分高壓探頭 |