室內外無線定位系統,由定位基站、定位標簽、定位引擎 (基于GIS的標準型定位應用軟件) ,結合定位算法和開放的定位引擎API接口,具備30~1250px亞米級定位精度,可實現三維、二維、一維、零維高精度定位。可廣泛應用于礦山、石化、隧道、地鐵、工廠、 電力 、養老院、醫院、、、戒毒所、、博物館等行業,對人員、車輛、物品、資產的智能化管理 。
Indoor and outdoor wireless positioning system consists of positioning base station, positioning tag, positioning engine (standard positioning application software based on GIS), combined with positioning algorithm and open API interface of positioning engine, which has sub-meter positioning accuracy of 30~1250px, and can realize three-dimensional, two-dimensional, one-dimensional and zero-dimensional high-precision positioning. It can be widely used in mines, petrochemicals, tunnels, subways, factories, electric power, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, detention centers, drug rehabilitation centers, courts, museums and other industries to intelligently manage people, vehicles, goods and assets.
UWB mushroom positioning label meets the requirements of industrial standards, meets the use of waterproof and antifouling scenes, and meets the standard applications of manufacturing, mining, chemical, tunnel, construction site, electric power, steel mills and other industries. Mushroom-type positioning label comes standard with a magnet base, which can be adsorbed on the surface of metal objects, or a metal fixing bracket base can be selected, and the studs are fixedly installed on the surface of the objects. With the cooperation of UWB positioning base station system, it can realize the functions of trajectory tracking, position management and electronic fence. It supports TDOA and TOF positioning modes, and meets the scene applications such as high-precision real-time positioning distance judgment.
產品型號: FU-GT-MS-01
UWB 頻率 | 3.7 ~ 4.2GHz 中心頻段 3.95Ghz |
定位算法 | TDOA/TOF |
TOF:0維 TDOA:1維、2維 | |
定位精度 | 30cm (空曠無電磁干擾在典型定位范圍內) |
定位距離 | 200m(空曠無遮擋) |
通訊距離 | 500m (空曠無遮擋) |
天線 | 內置 2dBi 陶瓷天線 |
指示燈 | 內置電源及工作狀態指示燈 |
外設接口 | 5V1A |
供電范圍 | 3.3V-4.2V (聚合物電池) |
電池 | 聚合物電池 1200mA |
待機電流 | <0.4mA |
靜態電流 0.0002uA | |
續航時間 | 1HZ,60天,每天 8h(與環境溫度,刷新率,日工作8h,休眠機制相關)采用車輛ACC供電則無需考慮續航時間,電池用于備用電池 |
充電時間 | 4h分鐘 |
工作電流 | 1mA |
工作溫度(℃) | -30 ~ 70℃ |
儲存溫度(℃) | -40 ~ 85℃ |
濕度(非濃縮) | 10% 到 90%RH 不凝結 |
重量g | 520 |
尺寸mm | 151 × 153.6 |
防護等級 | IP68 |
四 、UWB蘑菇型定位標簽功能
蘑菇型磁鐵定位標簽標配磁鐵底座, 可吸附在金屬物體表面;
充電方式:5V1A 充電;
五 、UWB蘑菇型定位標簽安裝說明
1. 磁鐵吸附安裝
2. 金屬支架螺柱安裝
六 、UWB蘑菇型定位標簽重要提示