TAG-915M01A RFID抗金屬磁鐵安裝標簽,當應用于制造業和運輸業時,金屬材料、重型設備和運輸工具被用于需要回收標簽的資產跟蹤管理應用程序,而磁性標簽則具有成本優勢。磁鐵標簽必須安裝在金屬表面(非不銹鋼、銅、鋁),結合業務流程,便于拆裝,堅固的設計保證可回收利用。抗沖擊磁鐵的特殊設計。
Tag-915m01a RFID anti metal magnet installation tag, when applied in manufacturing and transportation industry, metal materials, heavy equipment and transportation tools are used in asset tracking management applications that need recycling tags, while magnetic tags have cost advantages. The magnet label must be installed on the metal surface (not stainless steel, copper, aluminum), combined with the business process, easy to dismount, solid design to ensure recycling. Special design of impact magnet.

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