pco.dicam C1 LT 16位像增強器相機 采用25mm直徑大小的像增強器,采用S20 材料,配搭一個16位的sCMOS成像模塊,相機具備16 bit 動態范圍,230萬像素,信噪比和單光子探測能力。門控時間可達51ns, 雙曝光快門間隔時間300ns ,幀率120幀/秒,相機通過高速序列光纖數據連接系統至PC。相機可以通過光或電子觸發。
pco.dicam C1 LT
intensified 16 bit sCMOS camera
In case your application does not challenge the absolute technical limits in intensified imaging we have developed the pco.dicam C1 LT. This intensified sCMOS camera system grants you full access to true optical gated imaging.
The pco.dicam C1 LT is a budget friendly alternative to the standard and UHS models. At the same time, it is still based on the proven technology of the pco.dicam C1 platform. Adapted from the high-end models is the optical coupling of the 18 mm image intensifier with S20 photo cathode to the 16 bit sCMOS sensor via an efficient tandem lens. Single photons are detected using exposure times down to 51 ns with up to 120 fps at full 2.3 MPixel resolution.
The 10G fiber optic data interface (Camera Link HS) guarantees you uncompressed and secure data transfer. With the latest standard of high-performance data interfaces, you can bridge long distances via fiber optic cable.
注:產品信息若有變更恕不另行通知 / 德國PCO公司高速相機中國區域核心理商---元奧儀器
曝光時間最短51ns – 1s
圖像分辨率1504像素x 1504像素
10G光纖傳輸界面(Camera Link HS)
提供鏡頭接口F-mount, C-moun可供選購
提供光陰極材料: S20
提供磷屏材料: P43, P46 可供選擇
Key Features:
exposure times: 51 ns up to 1 s
18 mm intensifier
“ultra speed tandem lens” between image intensifier & sCMOS sensor
intensified sCMOS technology
1504 x 1504 pixels
120 fps @ full resolution
double shutter with 300 ns interframing time
enhanced extinction ratio gating
10G fiber optic data interface (Camera Link HS)
F-mount, C-mount
photocathode material: S20
phosphor screen material: P43, P46
not subject to export licensing
注:產品信息若有變更恕不另行通知 / 德國PCO公司中國總代理元奧儀器
? particle image velocimetry (PIV) 粒子測速 ;
? fluorescence imaging 熒光成像 ;
? high resolution microscopy 高分辨率顯微鏡 ;
? spray imaging 射流成像 ;
? flame analysis 火焰分析 ;
? short time physics 短時間物理現象 ;
? bioluminescence / chemoluminescence 生物發光/化學發光;
? low light level imaging 弱光成像 ;
? time resolved spectroscopy 時間分辨光譜 ;
? luminescence spectroscopy 發光光譜;
? spectroscopy 光譜 ;
? fast flow analysis 快速流體分析 ;
? ballistics 彈道分析;
? electrophoresis 電泳;
? LIF laser induced fluorescence 激光誘導熒光 ;
? combustion imaging 燃燒分析 ;
? fusion plasma 聚變等離子體 ;
? Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) 激光誘導擊穿光譜 ;
? pressure sensitive paint (PSP) 壓敏測壓實驗 ;