德國PCO公司推出pco.edge 10 bi CLHS科學級背照式sCMOS相機,該相機使用背照式sCMOS芯片,pco.edge 10 bi CLHS是PCO公司的新一代sCMOS相機,具有優秀的成像性能。由于其背光圖像傳感器,它的量子效率高達85%,具有寬的光譜成像范圍。該傳感器集成了微透鏡和全像素高度深溝槽隔離,以抑制串擾,從而產生優良的MTF。此外,該相機通過使用4.6 um的方形像素大小,高分辨率10.5 MPixel圖像傳感器,提供了一個大的圖像。
高MTF 背照式芯片
高分辨率: 4432 x 2368 pixel
低讀出噪音: 0.8 e-
25,000:1 動態范圍
pco.edge 10 bi
the next level sCMOS
The pco.edge 10 bi CLHS is PCO's next level sCMOS camera with unprecedented imaging performance. Thanks to its back illuminated image sensor it comes with a quantum efficiency of up to 85 % with broad spectrum out to NIR. The sensor incorporates microlenses and a full pixel height deep trench isolation for crosstalk suppression resulting in an excellent MTF. Further, the camera provides a large image circle by using a high-resolution 10.5 MPixel image sensor with a square pixel size of 4.6 um.
An extremely low dark current and a readout noise of 0.8 electrons is achieved by thermal stabilization and active cooling of the sensor. Moreover, the sensor technology enables reduction of the noise peak and tail in addition, which makes it comparable to to the noise behavior of CCD sensors. Together with a high full well capacity, this leads to a dynamic range of 25,000:1. The camera offers high frame rates of up to 120 fps and transmission via a fiber optical link.
Key Features
back illuminated with high MTF
high resolution: 4432 x 2368 pixel
low readout noise: 0.8 e-
25,000:1 dynamic range
temperature-stabilized image sensor
fiber optic data interface
注:產品信息若有變更恕不另行通知 / 德國PCO公司中國區域核心代理商---元奧儀器
參數 | Pco.edge 10 bi sCMOS 相機參數 |
芯片類型 | 科學級背照明CMOS (bi sCMOS 全局快門) |
分辨率 (hor x ver) | 4432 x 2368 有效像素 |
像素大小 (hor x ver) | 4.6 um x 4.6 um |
幀率 | 120幀/秒 |
快門模式 | RS ( 滾動快門 ) |
最小讀出噪音 | 0.8 e- |
動態范圍 | 25000:1 |
芯片制冷 | 主動制冷 ( 水制冷可選 ) |
量子效率 | 85% 峰值 |
光譜范圍 | 320nm – 1000 nm |
相機大小 | 95x90x109mm |
可選功能 | LightSheet sanning 模式 , 電動鏡頭控制接口 |
數據傳輸接口 | CLHS 光纖 |
圖像分辨率 | 幀率 |
4432 x 2368 像素 | 120fps |
注:產品信息若有變更恕不另行通知 / 德國PCO公司中國代理商---元奧儀器
明視場顯微鏡成像||熒光顯微鏡成像|數字病理儀器| |單分子定位顯微鏡| lightsheet熒光顯微鏡(LSFM)|鈣成像|FRET熒光共振能量轉移|FRAD| 結構光顯微鏡(SIM)| |高速明視場比率成像|高通量篩選成像|生物芯片閱讀| TIRF顯微鏡|旋盤共聚焦顯微鏡| 3D計量 | 眼科 |工業質檢| | |光伏檢查| Lucky天文學 |生物發光 | 化學發光
brightfield microscopy microscopy | fluorescence microscopy | digital pathology | single molecule localization microscopy | lightsheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) | calcium imaging | FRET | FRAP | structured illumination microscopy (SIM) | highspeed bright field ratio imaging | high throughput screening | high content screening | biochip reading | TIRF microscopy | spinning disk confocal microscopy | 3D metrology | ophthalmology | photovoltaic inspection | industrial quality inspection | lucky astronomy | bio luminescence | chemo luminescence
注:產品信息若有變更恕不另行通知 / 德國PCO公司中國代理商---元奧儀器