RFID雙頻溫度傳感器標簽TAG-915-TEMP- XCC 03 DT
1.產品詳情 product details
TAG-915-TEMP-XCC03DT RFID 雙頻溫度傳感器標簽所使用的具有測溫功能的 RFID 芯片,非接觸界面支持高頻 NFC
Tag-915-temp-xcc03dt RFID dual frequency temperature sensor tag uses the RFID chip with temperature measurement function. The non-contact interface supports two RF interfaces, namely high-frequency NFC and ultra-high frequency. The high-frequency NFC interface communication protocol can choose iso14443 or iso15693, and the UHF interface supports iso18000-6c (EPC) In order to support timing temperature measurement data storage and other functions, a large capacity EEPROM is built-in, providing paper battery active working mode, supporting self wake-up continuous temperature measurement data storage, automatic temperature measurement at 5 minutes / time in the range of 0 ~ 10 ℃, the battery service life is up to 1 year. It can be widely used in RFID cold chain logistics management or temperature sensitive RFID high-value material management, RFID dangerous goods management, RFID anti-counterfeiting traceability and other fields.
2.產品特點Product features
The tag chip has built-in high-precision temperature sensor, which can complete real-time or timing environmental temperature measurement.
2.2標簽芯片內置較高精度 RTC,可進行較為準確的定時喚醒操作。
The tag chip has built-in high-precision RTC, which can perform more accurate timing wake-up operation.
The tag chip has light detection function, which can detect strong visible light, send out and record alarm signals.
2.4標簽芯片內置大容量 EEPROM,可用于存儲長時間的溫度數據,并記錄光報警信息。存儲的數據
The tag chip has built-in large capacity EEPROM, which can be used to store long time temperature data and record light alarm information. The stored data can be read out through high-frequency and ultra-high-frequency interfaces, which support Android phones and apple phones to read data.
The tag chip supports active and passive temperature measurement modes
2.7有源模式下,芯片可利用內置的 RTC,進行定時喚醒,啟動測溫并記錄溫度數據,也可接收三個接口發來的單次測溫指令,完成單次測溫操作。
In the active mode, the chip can use the built-in RTC to wake up regularly, start the temperature measurement and record the temperature data, and also receive the single temperature measurement instruction from three interfaces to complete the single temperature measurement operation.
In passive mode, the chip can use the energy of RF field to receive the single temperature measurement instruction from three interfaces to complete the temperature measurement operation, and send the temperature measurement results back to the corresponding interface.
XCC03DT 有源測溫標簽(UHF )識別距離曲線(30dBm ,6dBi ,-70dBm 測試條件)
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