Small size, it is low pricethe spread illuminant, optional 4 point changes.
The use whose camera adjustmentone for inspection of the CCD line sensor etc. are wide.
(Color temperature) :2856K ±150(A light source)
(Light value) :LV6:8.90cd/㎡ LV9:71.26cd/㎡
LV12:570cd/㎡ LV15:4560cd/㎡
(Specify 4 values out of the following)
(K Value) :14.03(Specified K value when ordering the product)
(Luminance face size) :□100
(Unevenness of luminance) :Within ±5%(φ96)
(Switching system) :By hand
(Light source) :Halogen lamp
(Lighting system) :DC lighting
(Power supply) :AC100~120V/200~240V(50Hz/60Hz)
(Power consumption) :100VA
(Dimentions) :200(W)x250(H)x285(D) mm
(Weight) :6kg