TD-1374煙道密封襯墊 該墊片是在織物上涂抹天然橡膠或者浸漬PTFE乳液。縫制成各種形狀的墊片。改產品適合氣密封性要求不高的工況,特別適合法蘭口徑大,有些變形,或者無法獲得較高禁錮載荷的場所。
TD-1374 Manhole Gasket These are cloth gaskets coated with a rubber compound,matching the shape of the manhole.
There gaskets are not compley airtight and should be used only where a certain amount of leakage is allowable.
Suitable for application to large diameter distorted flanges and flanges to which only low stating stress is applied.
型號Style | 溫度Tmax:℃ | 材料Material | 用途 Application |
TD-1374 | 400 | 玻纖 Glass Fibre | 煙氣Flue gas |
TD-1376 | 600 | 玻纖/金屬絲 Glass Fibre/ Metal Wire | 煙氣Flue gas |
TD-1378 | 800 | 陶纖 Ceramic Fiber | 煙氣Flue gas |
TD-1310 | 1000 | 陶纖/金屬絲 Ceramic Fiber/ Metal Wire | 煙氣Flue gas |
TD-1330 | 300 | 玻纖/PTFE Glass Fibre/PTFE | 酸性氣體 acid exhaust gas |