Flash Distribution Tester .
フラッシュ配光テスター Flash Distribution Tester / DEF-9500
Measuring the light distribution quality of flash light in the light absorbent section of 25 points which are arranged in the one line.
It is constituted from the personal computer and the control section.
The up and down left and right respective light distribution quality graph is indicated in the personal computer picture with radiation of one time.
被測定物(Measuring object) :Flash light
測定點(Measuring point) :25 point
測定範囲(Measuring range)
露光量(Exposure) :1.900~9999lx?s
Gナンバー(Guide number) :1.000~70.00
Fナンバー(F number) :1.000~70.00
AV絞り指數(Aperture value exponent) :-10.00~+10.00
測定距離(Measuring distance) :1.0m
測定項目(Measuring items)
フィルム感度(ISO)(Film sensitivity(ISO)) :25、50、100、200、400、800、1600、3200、64、160、1000
発光回數(Flash count) :1~16 times(Pre-flash, 0~51 times)
トリガレベル(Trigger level) :0.8klx
測定レンジ(Measuring range) :Selectable
測定精度(Measuring accuracy) :±0.1EV to central light receptor ?
電源 :AC100V~120V/200V~240V (50Hz/60Hz)
消費電力 :270VA
外形寸法 :1,500(W)×935(H)×300(D)mm