BAYD (BYY) byy
1, application and applicable scope
BAYD系列隔爆型標志燈(以下簡稱標志燈)根據國家標準GB2000.1《爆炸性環境用防爆電氣設備 通用要求》、GB2000.2《爆炸性環境用防爆電氣設備 隔爆型電氣設備“d” 》有關規定制造。適用于Ⅱ類B級T6組及以下級別、組別的爆炸性氣體混合物(1區和2區)場所,在50Hz、電壓至220V的線路中作為一般照明和應急照明、指示通道和安全出口之用。
BAYD series explosion-proof lights (hereinafter referred to as the marker lamp) according to the national standard GB2000.1 "electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres General requirements", GB2000.2 "electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres flameproof electrical apparatus" d "" the relevant provisions of manufacturing. Explosive gas mixture is suitable for level, class II B and below T6 group division (1 and 2 areas) sites, in the 50Hz, 220V voltage to the circuit as a general lighting and emergency lighting, indication channel and exit for.
This series of products are in conformity with the provisions of the national standard GB2894-82 and GB2893-82.
2, the product model and the significance and the main parameters
2.1 產品型號和意義
2.1 types of products and the significance
BA YD- 3 / 3 □ □
3 / 3 - BA YD
M: exit
標志種類 J:向左
Mark J: left
K: right
G: derrick
安裝形式 X:吸頂式
Installation: ceiling type X
Wall type: B
Emergency power
The normal illumination power
Induction of marker lamp
2.2 主要參數
2.2 main parameters
額定電壓V 額定功率W 光 源 應急照明
Emergency lighting rated voltage V, rated power W light source
Time min
充電24h后 引入裝置 質量
Introduction device quality charging 24h
正常照明 應急照明 正常 應急 正常 應急 出線管螺紋G" 導線截面
Normal lighting and emergency lighting normal emergency normal emergency outlet pipe thread G "wire section
(less than mm2)
400HZ 110V
400HZ 110V
400HZ 3 3 場致發光屏 90 3/4 1.5 8.5
400HZ 33 electroluminescent screen 90 3/4 1.5 8.5
3, marker lamp can work reliably in any of the following circumstances
3.1 周圍空氣溫度上限值不超過+50℃,下限值不低于-10℃;
3.1 the temperature of the air around the upper limit of not more than +50 ℃, lower value not lower than -10 ℃;
3.2 安裝地點的海拔不超過2000m;
3.2 installation site elevation not exceeding 2000m;
3.3 在無顯著搖動、振動和沖擊的地方;
3.3 significant shake, no vibration and shock;
3.4 安裝地點zui濕月平均zui大相對濕度不超過95%,
3.4 installation location the wettest month average maximum relative humidity of not more than 95%,
3.5 在無破壞金屬和絕緣的腐蝕性氣體或蒸氣的地方;
3.5 in no destroy metal and corrosive gas or vapor place insulation;
3.6 在能防止雨雪及滴水侵襲的地方;
3.6 can prevent rain and snow and water invasion;
3.7 污染等級為3級;
3.7 of the pollution level of 3;
3.8 防護等級:IP65。
3.8 protection grade: IP65.
4, the structure overview
Marker lamp is composed of a main cavity, an observation window, the luminous signs, wiring cavity (and absorbing wall or ceiling, derrick base) and installed in the main chamber of the emergency device, composed of junction box, the main cavity and a wiring cavity flameproof wiring terminals are connected through. The transparent sign in the polycarbonate materials, surface printed or engraved "exit", "left", "right" and other words or patterns. Marker lamp, are provided with a grounding screw, shall be reliably grounded when users.
5, installation and repair
5.1 安裝前應檢查標志燈銘牌上所列數據與實際使用條件是否相符。
5.1 installation should be checked before the lights nameplate on the column data and actual conditions of use is consistent with the.
5.2 標志燈應可靠接地。
5.2 lights should be reliable grounding.
5.3 安裝及維修后,應將引入裝置的密封圈壓緊,以確保其密封性能。
5.3 installation and repair, should be introduced device sealing ring is pressed, in order to ensure the sealing performance.
5.4 維修時必須斷開前極電源后開蓋。
5.4 repair must be disconnected before the power supply after opening the cover.
5.5 安裝維修時應妥善保護隔爆面,將其清理后涂204-1置換型防銹油。
To properly protect the explosion-proof surface 5.5 installation repair, to clean up after the replacement of anti-rust oil coating 204-1.