進口蒸汽閥門(Steam Valve)是指用在蒸汽系統管道上的用來開關蒸汽,或者調節蒸汽流量,溫度,壓力,以及排出蒸汽中的冷凝水的各種閥門。威盾蒸汽閥門品質優良,廣泛用在蒸汽系統管道上,起到提高蒸汽性能或者節能的效果,并使整個蒸汽系統高效運轉。
The steam valve is used in the pipe of the steam system is used to switch the steam, or to adjust the steam flow rate, temperature, pressure, as well as the various valves of the exhaust steam condensate. Granville Shield steam valve quality, widely used in the steam system piping, played to improve steam performance or energy-saving effect and make the entire steam system operates with high efficiency.
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