Technical condition (carrying out GB/5021-2002) refer to the list
序號 | 性能 Characteristics | 單位 Unit | 要求 Requirements |
1 | 外觀Appearance | | 硬度均勻,沒有氣泡和雜質,邊緣切割整齊,無松散及分層現象。 Homogeneous hardness. No bubble and no impurity. Edge. With good order, no loose and hierarchic phenomenon |
2 | 尺寸 Size | 長Length | mm | 約1000 App r o r. 1000 |
寬Width | 300~600 |
3 | 厚度和公差、標稱厚度 Thickness and nominal Standard thickness 0.3~2.0mm | mm | 中值公差 Central value nominal | 同一試樣上厚度zui大與zui小之差 The difference between maximum and minimum of the same sample thickness |
±0.02 | 0.04 |
4 | 云母含量Mica content | % | ≥90 |
5 | 密度Density | g/cm3 | ≥2.2 |
6 | 電氣強度Electrical intensity | Mv/m | ≥20 |
7 | 體積電阻率/常態23±2℃ Volume resistance 23±2℃ | Ω·cm | ≥1010 |
8 | 抗滲出和位移性 Anti-ooze and anti-displacement | 200℃ | 無膠粘劑小滴和云母位移 Have no gum to extrude and the mica move |
9 | 彈性壓縮Elastic compression | % | ≤4 |
10 | 塑性變形Plastic shape change | % | ≤5 |
11 | 起層率A liquation rate | % | ≤3 |
產品儲存期:從出廠之日起為6個月。Storage: Six months after manufacturing