兔N端前腦鈉素(NT-proBNP)ELISA試劑盒,英文名: Rabbit N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic,NT-proBNP ELISA kit ,品牌名: 兔N端前腦鈉素(NT-proBNP)檢測試劑盒 ,英文縮寫形式: NT-proBNP ELISA kit ,別名: 兔N端前腦鈉素(NT-proBNP)酶聯免疫試劑盒
J67468 TSFP1/SP1(transcription factor Sp1) SP1轉錄生長因子抗原 0.5mg
J67469 SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) 富含半*的酸性分泌蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67470 SRF(Serum response factor) 血清應答因子抗原 0.5mg
J67471 SREBP-1(Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-1) 固醇調節元件結合蛋白1抗原 0.5mg
J67472 AKAP12A/SSeCKS peptide *抑制蛋白激酶C底物抗原 0.5mg
J67473 Fut4/CD15/SSEA-1(Stage-specific embryonic surface antigen 1) 階段特異性胚胎表面抗原-1抗原 0.5mg
J67474 SSTR2 (somatostatin receptor 2) *受體2抗原 0.5mg
J67475 SSTR3 peptide *受體3抗原 0.5mg
J67476 SSTR5 (somatostatin receptor 5) *受體5抗原 0.5mg
J67477 STAT1(signal transducers and activators of transcription 1) 信號轉導與轉錄激活因子1抗原 0.5mg
J67478 phospho-STAT1(p-Tyr701) peptide 磷酸化信號轉導與轉錄激活因子1抗原 0.5mg
J67479 STAT3(signal transducers and activators of transduction3) 信號轉導和轉錄激活因子3抗原 0.5mg
J67480 STAT5(signal transducers and activators of transduction5) 信號轉導和轉錄激活因子5(STAT5)抗原 0.5mg
J67481 STAT6(signal transducers and activators of transduction 6) 信號轉導和轉錄激活因子6抗原 0.5mg
J67482 SUMO(small ubiquitin-related modifier) 類泛素蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67483 Gamma-Synuclein/SNCG 核突觸蛋白-γ抗原 0.5mg
J67484 phospho-Tau protein (pThr489) peptide 磷酸化微管相關蛋白 0.5mg
J67485 MAP-2(microtubule associated protein 2) 微管相關蛋白2抗原 0.5mg
J67486 MAP1A/Mtap1a(microtubule associated protein 1A) 微管相關蛋白1A抗原 0.5mg
J67487 TBX2/T-box2(T-box Protein 2) 新型抑癌基因(多肽) 0.5mg
J67488 TCF7L2(transcription factor 7-like 2) 轉錄因子7類似物2抗原 0.5mg
J67489 TDP-43/TARDBP (tar DNA binding protein) Tar DNA 結合蛋白43抗原 0.5mg
J67490 Tenascin 固生蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67491 TEM 1/CD248(Tumor endothelial marker 1 precursor) 內涎蛋白/內皮唾液酸蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67492 TFF3 (trefoil factor3) 三葉肽因子3(多肽) 0.5mg
J67493 TFPI-2 (tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2) 組織因子途徑抑制劑-2抗原 0.5mg
J67494 TIEG1/KLF10(TGF-beta inducible early response gene 1) TGF-β誘導早期應答基因1抗原 0.5mg
J67495 TGF- BetaR1/ALK (TGF-beta receptor type I) 轉移生長因子–β受體1抗原 0.5mg
J67496 Thioredoxin 1(ERdj5) 硫氧還蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67497 Tie1/JTK14 peptide 上皮生長因子樣域*激酶1抗原 0.5mg
J67498 Tie2(Porcine tyrosine kinase with immunoglobulin-like and EGF-like domains 2) 上皮生長因子樣域*激酶2抗原 0.5mg
J67499 Rarres2/TIG2/Chemerin(Retinoic acid receptor responder protein 2) *受體應答蛋白2抗原 0.5mg
J67500 TLR3 (Toll-like receptor 3) Toll樣受體3抗原 0.5mg
J67501 TLR4/CD284 (Toll-like receptor 4) Toll樣受體4抗原 0.5mg
J67502 TLR5/CD285 (Toll-like receptor 5) Toll樣受體5抗原 0.5mg
J67503 TM(Thrombomodulin) 血栓調節蛋白多肽 0.5mg
J67504 Tn-C(Tenascin-C)C-Terminus 腱糖蛋白-C(固生蛋白)C端抗原 0.5mg
J67505 TNF-alpha 腫瘤壞死因子-α抗原 0.5mg
J67506 TNF- Beta(Tumor Necrosis Factor- Beta) 腫瘤壞死因子-β抗原 0.5mg
J67507 TNFAIP1(Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced protein 1) 腫瘤壞死因子α誘導蛋白1抗原 0.5mg
J67508 TP53(tumor protein p53; Li-Fraumeni syndrome) 抗腫瘤P53抗原 0.5ml
J67509 TP I (topoisomerase I ) 拓普西異構酶Ⅰ抗原 0.5mg
J67510 TOPO II Alpha/DNA TP II Alpha (DNA topoisomerase II Alpha) DNA拓普西異構酶Ⅱ抗原 0.5mg
J67511 TPH (Trptophan Hydroxylase) *羥化酶(多肽) 0.5mg
J67512 TRA16 (Testicular orphan nuclear receptor-4 (TR4)-associated protein) 睪丸激素受體相關蛋白/孤兒素受體相關蛋白(抗原) 0.5mg
J67513 TRADD(TNF receptor 1 associated via death domain) 有死亡區的腫瘤壞死因子受體1相關蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67514 TRAF1 腫瘤壞死因子受體相關因子1抗原 0.5mg
J67515 TRAF2/TNF-R2 (TNF receptor-associated factor 2) 腫瘤壞死因子受體相關因子2抗原 0.5ml
J67516 TRAF3/CD40bp (CD40 binding protein) 腫瘤壞死因子受體相關蛋白3抗原 0.5mg
J67517 TRAF6 (TNF receptor-associated factor 6) 腫瘤壞死因子受體相關因子6抗原 0.5mg
J67518 TRAIL/Apo2L (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) 腫瘤壞死因子相關凋亡誘導配體/凋亡素2配體抗原 0.5mg
J67519 TRBF1 兔N端前腦鈉素(NT-proBNP)ELISA試劑盒(omeric repeat binding factor 1) 端粒體復制結合因子1抗原 0.5mg
J67520 TRIM32(tripartite motif protein 32) TRIM32抗原 0.5mg
J67521 Trop-2/Tpm2 peptide 原肌球蛋白抗原 0.5mg
J67522 TSARG4(Testis and spermatogenesis related gene 4) 生精細胞凋亡相關基因4抗原 0.5mg