Emergency escape breathing devices 1. The EEBD are only used for escape from a compartment that has a hazardous atmosphere to provide personnel breathing protection .Not to be used for fighting fire, entering oxygen deficient voids or tanks, or worn by fire fighters 2. There is a pressure gauge on the cylinder to indicate the cylinder pressure .The cylinder pressure of EEBD is not indicated by a pressure gauge during storaging.3. The hood is a flame resistant head cover which compley covers the head, neck, and may cover portions of the shoulders, there is a clear window on it。4. Easy to use, open the cylinder valve and put the hood on head when use Type Cylinder Volume Working pressure Storing air Supply airflow Usable time THD/10-I 2.2 21 >400 ≥35 ≥10 THD/15-I 3 21 >600 ≥35 ≥15
緊急逃生呼吸器 THDF10-I 型、THDF15-I 型緊急逃生呼吸器具 (EEBD)是根據海事組織MSC.98(73)決議通過的,于2002年7月1日成為強制型要求的《消防安全系統規則》設計制造的船用產品。本產品通過了CCS認證,有船檢證書。 它由壓縮空氣瓶、減壓器、壓力表、輸氣導管、頭罩、背包等組成,能提供個人10或15 分鐘以上的恒流氣體,可供處于有毒、有害、煙霧、缺氧環境中的人員逃生使用。東臺市東方船舶裝配有限公司
逃生呼吸器 空氣呼吸器 緊急逃生呼吸器 EEBD THDF10-I THDF15-I