BPC8731防爆平臺無極燈 LED防爆平臺燈 氣站燈具系列 礦用防爆燈BC9330
● 優良的防爆結構設計,溫度等級為T6,可以在IIA和IIB易燃易爆場所安全使用。
● 外殼防護等級達到IP66,防水性能好,可抵抗洶涌的海浪沖擊。
● 整體式結構設計,輕便、抗沖擊性能好,可在振動環境下可靠穩定工作。
● 可以瞬間熱啟動,保證在電力故障恢復狀態下能夠正常點亮,保證安全。
● 環照型配光,實現大范圍泛光照明,燈具效率高達90%,高出行業水平40%以上。
● 優化的電氣配套系統設計,使燈具電氣效率高達90%,功率因數達到0.98,節能環保。
● 采用*技術的無極燈光源,光效高,光衰小,壽命長達60000h,實現免維護。
● 整體式結構,體積小,重量輕,安裝維護方便。
● *的外殼防腐涂層,防腐等級達到WF2,確保燈具在鹽霧等惡劣環境中*。
● 按照國軍標質量控制體系,經過嚴格的可靠性、老化 測試,燈具故障率更低。
防爆等級 | Ex de IIB T6 |
額定電壓 | 220VAC 50HZ |
額定功率 | 40W 50W 80W |
光源類型 | 無極燈 |
防護等級 | IP65 |
防腐等級 | WF2 |
外形尺寸 | Φ214×304mm |
總 重 量 | 4.1kg |
● 本產品嚴格按照IS09001:2000質量管理體系標準進行質量控制,確保產品質量高于國家標準*達到設計要求,自購買3年內,產品正常使用下出現任何故障(非人為故障)由本公司免費維護。
: product pictures, property prices are for reference only, the actual product shall prevail! For details pleasecontact us!
The product stated as:
Suitable places
● applied in the petrochemical, shipbuilding, offshore oil platforms, gas stations, oil depot, gas stations, oil pump house and other inflammable and explosive places.
-- -- -- dividing line fixed explosion-proof lampseries product details -- -- --
Structure characteristics
Create a safe working environment
Explosion proof structure design excellent ● making,temperature rating for the T6, IIA and IIB can be safely used in inflammable and explosive places. ● making shell protection grade reaches IP66, the waterproof performance is good, can resist the waves. ● making the overall structure design, lightweight, good anti impact performance, can be in vibration environment is reliable and stable work. ● making making instant hot start, able to guarantee the normal lighting in power failure recoverycondition, ensure the safety of.
Making making making easy to achieve energy savingindex
● making ring according to the type of light distribution, to achieve large-scale flood lighting, lighting efficiency up to 90%, higher than the industry standard 40%. Design of electrical auxiliary system, making optimization, so that the lamp electrical efficiency as high as 90%, power factorup to 0.98, energy saving and environmental protection.Electrodeless lamp light source, making use of advanced technology, high light efficiency, light a small decline, life of up to 60000h, realize the maintenance free.