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德國storz hydraulik型號資料

  • 公司名稱上海壹僑國際貿易有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2016/11/21 16:25:58
  • 訪問次數230
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  上海壹僑貿易有限公司主營歐洲各國中小品牌的高精密流量計、繼電器、斷路器、聯軸器、五金工具、編碼器、傳感器、儀器儀表、閥門、泵、電機、機床附件等各類自動化產品。德國分公司(AOI Solutions GmbH -- Age of Innovation)位于德國漢堡,我們直接與歐洲廠家或者廠家代理商溝通,保證原裝*,且貨期相對較短。優勢產品品牌有EUCHNER、CARLO GAVAZZI、CROUZWT、AEG、BAUMER、contrinex、MURR、DI-SORIC、DOLD(多德)、RECHNER、LUMBERG、IPF、SCHMERSAL、MAHLE(馬勒)、turck、STM、PILZ(皮爾茲)、PHOENIX(菲尼克斯)等,報價較快,*。


德國storz hydraulik型號資料上海壹僑貿易有限公司


德國storz hydraulik型號資料 產品信息

德國storz hydraulik型號資料

德國storz hydraulik型號資料


德國Stoegra Antriebstechnik GmbH位置控制卡 電子設備


德國storz hydraulik

德國storz hydraulik

德國storz hydraulik


 free programmable position controls with the interfaces
RS232, RS485, Profibus-DP or CANopen


  overview SERS
  overview SERS new functions
  special features
  SERS withPROFIBUS-DPinterface
  SERS withPROFIdriveinterface
  SERS withCANopeninterface
  WSERSin compact housing
  SERS with encoder input


  eurocard format for 19 inch mountage
  mains ready single- or multiple axis panel mount system


  operation modes
  overview programming with PC or SERS Programer
  examples programming SERS drives
  download catalogue or single data sheets







Stepping Motor Positioning Control for 2-phases-Stepping Motors withRS232, RS485,
Profibus-DPorCANopeninterface and features as follows:





德國Stoegra <wbr>Antriebstechnik <wbr>GmbH位置控制卡 <wbr>電子設備


  flexible but easy programmable running control with many special functions
 cost effective single – or multiple axis control
 microstepping– power amplifer with 12800 steps/revolution
 easy programmable via standard-PC
 free programming softwarefor SERS with RS232 interface
 alternative programming and operation via hand programming device
 (4x16 character-display with 16-key folia keyboard)
 eurocard-format for 19 inch 3HE systems for external DC-supply
 or complete panel mount or 19 inch rack systems
with integrated power supply (230VAC-50/60Hz)
 flexible system due to modular design
 including up to 3 axis with power supply
or 5 axis without power supply in one rack
(up to 5 or 8 axis per rack for SERS with max. 2,8A/phase)
 easy installation of the panel mount / 19 inch system
 because of screw terninals for all connections for
motor, mains and inputs for limit / reference and stop switches


 The SERS is a point to point stepping motor position control for 2-phases-stepping motors.
The SERS is available in different versions with:
  phase currents from 0 to14,5 A/phase (can be programmed via interface)
  power supply 24 VDC until 240 VDC
  optionally mains ready (230VAC 50Hz – optionally also for 115 VAC 60Hz)
  wall mountage system or standard 3 height unit 19 inch system
 The SERS is controlled and programmed via a serial interface (in standard versionRS232C/V24).
Optionally there are versions withRS485,Profibus DP,PROFIdriveorCAN openinterface





   德國Stoegra <wbr>Antriebstechnik <wbr>GmbH位置控制卡 <wbr>電子設備 data sheet position control series SERS




   OVERVIEW NEW FUNCTIONSOF THE SERS  (versions delivered since July 2002)


  velocity profile running
  positioning with different velocities during one positioning job
  new additional syntax
  (e.g. "WAIT"-command) for still more easy writing of running programs
  optional I/O-extensions
  (only RS232 and RS485-versions) for total max. 16 digital inputs and 16 outputs
  new Profibus-protocol "extended binary mode 22/12 I/O"


with 22 output bytes and 12 input bytes
(22 output bytes including: controlword, opcode, operand,
and acceleration, velocity and position command value)
  PROFIdrive interface


based on Profibus DP/V1 and PROFIdrive protocol



   德國Stoegra <wbr>Antriebstechnik <wbr>GmbH位置控制卡 <wbr>電子設備 data sheet position control series SERS






  with themicrostepping operation of 12800 steps/revolutionthe motor running is very smooth
  and low on vibrations – comparable with the running quality of a Servo Motor
  4 different phase current characteristicsfor matching different stepping motor characteristics,
  guarantee an excellent truth running of the stepping motor
  because of dynamical changing of step angle at higher velocities
  the control is able to create velocities from 0,12 until 10000 rpm
  SERS-controls designed as a modular system together with the panel mount / 19-inch systemseries ELK
  enablecost effectivemains readysingle and multiple axis controls
(up to 3 axis with integrated power supply or up to 5-axis with external power supply)
  SERS-controls are able to communicate among each otherwithout additional higher ranking control
  via the implemented RS232-interface – working as a master-slave network
with one SERS as controlling master and the other SERS as controlled slaves.
For many multiple axis applications in that way an additional higher ranking control
(PC, PLC, ... ) is not neccessary anymore.
  8 free programmable inputsand4 free programmable outputs(with up to 500mA load per output),
  additionally 2 limit switch-, 1 home switch-, 1 stop switch input, 1 analogue input (0 to 5 VDC , 8Bit)
and one general ouput 'ready signal'
  3 different scalingsare selectable: linear, rotational and not scaled (incremental)
  – so the position-, velocity- and acceleration values can be referred directly to the application
e.g. to the movement at a linear axis – the calculation from steps and pulse frequency
into e.g. [mm] and [rpm] or [mm/min] is done by the SERS
  very easy learnable and understandable programming language(similar to BASIC)
  – e.g. 'ON' for switching on the motor current, or 'V=1000' to set the velocity to 1000 rpm
in case of rotational scaling or 1000 mm/min in case of linear scaling
(the preferred scaling can be selected via setting parameters)
  arithmetical functions(+, -, *, /, AND, OR, EXOR, NEG, NOT)
  with accumulator and 6 free usable registers
(any parameter – position, velocitiy, value of analogue input etc. – may be used in arithmetical functions)
  the programming of the SERS can be done withany PCwithDOS- or Windows Operating System
  (Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP) – the programming software is included for every SERS.
– operating and controlling the SERS is also possible via any other operating system
likeLinuxorMacintoshvia the standard serial interface RS232
  the complete programming and operation of a SERS is also possible via an optional
  available hand programing device which also includes functions like:
password may be defined for limitation of the access to parameters and running programm via
the SERS-Programer – single parameters and program lines may be enabled / disabled
for being displayed and edited




SIGMATEK的核心競爭力在于能夠為機械設備和工廠開發和生產全套的控制系統。同時,所有的軟硬件都是在SIGMATEK的奧地利總部生產的,這一點保證了所有產品之間 的協調和共通。

DIASC-DIAS系列的模塊可以使用普通CPU,也可以采用HMI中集成的CPU或者工業PC。對于I/O系統,防護等級IP20 (DIASC-DIAS)和IP67 (P-DIAS)的模塊都有提供。眾多的標準化的模塊可以靈活地適合并運用到各種應用場合中去。智能型的HMI都集成了CPU。同時也有不含CPU的“非智能”圖形終端可以適用于遠程控制的解決方案。而全集成的運動控制運動控制產品則進一步完善了整套的控制系統。














低維護需求和超高可靠性是SIGMATEK IPC的特點所在。

系統中采用了CF(Compact Flash)卡作為標準的交換存儲介質,替代了傳統上的硬盤,因此能夠被用于極為偽劣的環境。



人機界面 (HMI)







優勢在于:通過緊湊的設計讓空間需求zui小化,同時也讓使用上變得更加靈活、高動態響應、經濟、可靠。非常簡便的編程和參數設定讓同整個系統的連接更方便。由于配制參數儲存于控制系統中,所以驅動器總是能夠獲得到正確的數據。因此,伺服驅動器可以在無需軟件工具的情況下進行更換。使用LASAL MOTION軟件包,主軸的設置、多軸之間虛擬連接的設定和執行、飛剪功能應用以及圓弧插補等功能都能夠實現。

LASAL CLASS項目工具中包括了完整的用于驅動器和電機的參數設定,因此調試時間能夠大大縮短同時也能夠zui大限度地降低出錯的幾率。





除了眾多的標準接口以及基于以太網的VARAN總線之外,SIGMATEK設計的DIAS(Distributed Automation System分布式自動化系統)總線也被加入其中。DIAS總線是針對于本地或者分布式的高效控制系統的總線結構。到目前為止,已經有超過200萬的DIAS總線節點被部署并投入使用。


VNO: varan-bus.net

VARAN的技術(pdf | 341 kB)
產品概覽 (pdf | 446 kB)




獨立的VARAN總線用戶組織(VARAN BUS USER ORGANIZATION)縮寫為VNO(德文:VARAN-BUS-NUTZERORGANISATION)為所有有興趣的團體提供了一個溝通和協作的平臺??刂破髦圃焐?、傳感器/執行器和連接器供應商,以及機械制造商用戶都可以借著個機會參與到設計的互動中來。VNO保留所有VARAN總線以及繼續設計研究、開發和訂立標準的權利。


   德國Stoegra <wbr>Antriebstechnik <wbr>GmbH位置控制卡 <wbr>電子設備 data sheet position control series SERS
Hydro standardised cylinder

according to DIN, ISO,

100 bar, 160 bar, 250 bar

        escopic cylinders  
  • Series ZBD 1001 (100 bar)
  • Series ZBD 1605 (160 bar), tie rod design
  • Series ZBD 1611 (160 bar)
  • Series ZBD 2511 (250 bar)
  • Series ZT212 hydro escopic cylinder
Hydro standardised cylinder

with installed displacement measurement system or

electrical end position notification

  Special cylinders  
  • Series ZW/ZWAS 1611 (160 bar), displacement measurement system
  • Series ZW/ZWAS 2511 (250 bar) displacement measurement system
  • Series ZBI 1611 (160 bar), inductive query
  • Series ZBI 2511 (250 bar), inductive query
  • Electronic accessories
  • Testing machine cylinders
  • Series ZBHZ reel cylinder
  • Adjusting cylinder for rolling gap regulation
Hydro standard cylinder160/350 bar

Hydro standard cylinder160 bar

with piston rod on both sides

(synchronous design)

  Hydraulic power units  
  • Series ZG 1611 (160 bar), piston rod on both sides
  • Series ZG 2511 (250 bar), piston rod on both sides
  • Series ZBD 3501 (350 bar), differential cylinder
  • Series ZB 2550 (250 bar)
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