Pig Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein (OxLDL) ELISA
規格: 96T/48T
所需樣本體積: 50-100ul
注意事項:1. 當混合蛋白溶液時應盡量輕緩,避免起泡。2. 洗滌過程非常重要,不充分的洗滌易造成假陽性。3. 一次加樣時間控制在5分鐘內,如標本數量多,*使用排槍加樣。4. 請每次測定的同時做標準曲線,做復孔。5. 如標本中待測物質含量過高,請先稀釋后再測定,計算時請zui后乘以稀釋倍數。6. 在配制標準品、檢測溶液工作液時,請以相應的稀釋液配制,不能混淆。7. 底物請避光保存。8. 不要用其它生產廠家的試劑替換試劑盒中的試劑。
豬氧化低密度脂蛋白(OxLDL)檢測盒ELISA results using S-OIV A neuraminidase antibody at 1 μg/ml to probe the immunogenic and the corresponding seasonal influenza A neuraminidase peptides at 50, 10, 2, and 0 ng/ml. Because the ELISA can be performed to evaluate either the presence of antigen or the presence of antibody in a sample, it is a useful tool for determining serum antibody concentrations (such as with the HIV test[3] or West Nile Virus). It has also found applications in the food industry in detecting potential food allergens such as milk, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and eggs.[4] ELISA can also be used in toxicology as a rapid presumptive screen for certain classes of drugs. The ELISA was the first screening test widely used for HIV because of its high sensitivity. In an ELISA, a person's serum is diluted 400-fold and applied to a plate to which HIV antigens are attached. If antibodies to HIV are present in the serum, they may bind to these HIV antigens. The plate is then washed to remove all other components of the serum. A specially prepared "secondary antibody" — an antibody that binds to other antibodies — is then applied to the plate, followed by another wash. This secondary antibody is chemically linked in advance to an enzyme. Thus, the plate will contain enzyme in proportion to the amount of secondary antibody bound to the plate. A substrate for the enzyme is applied, and catalysis by the enzyme leads to a change in color or fluorescence. ELISA results are reported as a number; the most controversial aspect of this test is determining the "cut-off" point between a positive and a negative result. A cut-off point may be determined by comparing it with a known standard. If an ELISA test is used for drug screening at workplace, a cut-off concentration, 50 ng/mL, for example, is established, and a sample that contains the standard concentration of analyte will be prepared. Unknowns that generate a signal that is stronger than the known sample are "positive." Those that generate weaker signal are "negative." Doctor Dennis E Bidwell and Alister Voller created the test.
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