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2024-07-30 07:22:26上海卷柔新技術有限責任公司點擊量:148


  Product Categories
  TemperatureHumidity Environmental Testing Equipment Series
Hotcold shock box High-temperature furnace
Precision high-temperature oven Constant temperaturehumidity testing box
Vacuum drying oven Highlow temperature testing box
Walk-in constant temperaturehumidity room Constant temperaturehumidity host
Steam aging testing box rapid temperature test chamber
  Climate-Resistant Type Series of Environmental Testing Equipment
Xenon lamp aging testing box Sand dustashes test box
Pouring Saline water spray testing box
Dripping water test device Yellowing aging box
Ventilators aging testing box UV aging testing box
Ozone aging testing box
  Universal Material Testing Machine Series
Desktop-type pull testing machine Spring testing machine
Single-column universal testing machine Frequency electronic pull testing machine
Double-column universal testing machine Hydraulic pull testing machine
Electronic universal testing machine Pull temperature-humidity testing machine
Man-made sheet material testing machine Metal Rubber material testing machine
  Packaging Transportation / life science pharmaceutical Series
Vibration test machines Biochemical mildew incubator
Simulation auto transport table Drugs stability test box
High-frequency vibration test table Blast drying oven
Drop test machine Anaerobic Incubator
Packaging compression testing machine Constant temperaturehumidity box
  Other Quality Testing Equipments
Flame-retardant testing machine Melt Index instrument
Moisture-proof electronic counters Drop hammer / fat-impact testing machine
Electric heated constant temperature water (oil) slot Simple Beam impact testing machine
Lamp-house box/ The color Light box Phone test machine
Oxygennitrogen air missile testing machine Wear-resistant wipe testing machine
Manual (Pneumatic) crush slice machine Clamshell phones testing machine
Drop-ball impact testing machine Other Products Industry Equipment



恒溫恒濕試驗箱 真空干燥箱 高低溫試驗箱 步入式恒溫恒濕室 恒溫恒濕主機
蒸汽老化試驗箱 冷熱沖擊箱 高溫爐 精密高溫烤箱 換氣高溫老化試驗箱
鹽水噴霧試驗箱 滴水試驗裝置 黃變老化試驗箱 換氣老化試驗箱 紫外老化試驗箱
臭氧老化試驗箱 氙燈老化試驗箱 砂塵灰塵試驗箱 淋雨試驗箱 卷柔08年產(chǎn)品
桌上型拉力試驗機 彈簧試驗機 單柱試驗機 變頻電子拉力試驗機 雙柱電子試驗機
液壓拉力試驗機 電子試驗機 拉力溫濕度復合試驗機 人造板材料試驗機 金屬橡膠材料試驗機
振動試驗機 生化培養(yǎng)箱霉菌培養(yǎng)箱 模擬汽車運輸臺 藥品穩(wěn)定性試驗箱 高頻振動試驗臺
鼓風干燥箱 跌落試驗機 厭氧培養(yǎng)箱 包裝壓縮試驗機 恒溫恒濕箱
阻燃試驗機 熔融指數(shù)儀 電子防潮柜 落錘/落膘沖擊試驗機 電熱恒溫水(油)槽
簡支梁沖擊實驗機 光源箱/對色燈箱 手機跌落試驗機 氧氮空氣彈試驗機 耐摩擦試驗機
手動(氣動)沖片機 手機翻蓋試驗機 落球沖擊試驗機 其他產(chǎn)品行業(yè)儀器

版權所有 ? 上海卷柔儀器設備有限公司 滬ICP備08019094號 未經(jīng)允許,請勿復制
Copyright(c)1999-2008 Shanghai Jianhu Instrument Equipment Co. ,Ltd All Right Reserved.
:   (4)  :jianhusales@
公司地址:上海市閔行經(jīng)濟技術開發(fā)區(qū)昆陽路51號 :  
北京分公司:朝陽區(qū)建國路88號建外SOHO現(xiàn)代城2906室,,  訪問量:

Copyright ? Shanghai Jianhu Instrument Equipment Co. ,Ltd 滬ICP備08019094號 Without the permission, please do not duplicate
Copyright(c)1999-2008 Shanghai Jianhu Instrument Equipment Co. ,Ltd All Right Reserved.
Address:No.51 Kunyang Road, EconomicTechnological Development Zone, Minhang District, Shanghai City
   (4) : :jianhusales@
BeiJing Officer :ROOM 2906# SOHO No.88 JianGuo Road ChaoYang,BeiJing .China ,MOB:  Visits:
Main Products:Temperature & Humidity Chamber,Thermal Shock Tester,OVen, VIB 

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