2007巴西國際安防產品展覽會(ISC Brazil)
已有 2715 人關注
該展由世界的勵展公司主辦、拉美安防協會, 巴西安全工業協會, 巴西電子工業協會協辦,勵展集團基于35年美國安防展(ISC)之經驗,將與巴西大的展覽公司ALCANTARA MACHADO聯合推出ISC Brazil。屆展覽于2006年舉辦,國際的企業西門子,索尼,博士,通用電氣,NEC等公司都參加該展覽會。
ISC BRASIL is the most important Brazilian Security Conference & Exposition for the entire security industry. Focusing on the latest product advancements and security solutions, ISC Brazil will provide both exhibitors and visitors with a security event dedicated to one of the fastest growing market places in the world.
ISC BRASIL will bring together senior level buyers from Brazil with international security suppliers and manufacturers from around the globe, creating the largest and most productive gathering of the security industry in Brazil. The ISC Security events have been serving the security industry for over 35 years, and will now provide the Brazilian security market with the only all encompassing security event.