適用范圍Application | | - 1區、2區危場所.
- IIA、IIB、IIC類爆炸性氣體環境
- Can be used Zone 1Zone 2 dangerous places.
- Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere.
| 型號含義Model implication |  |
| 總單元含義 Application of chief art |  |
| *單元含義 Application of first part | 第二單元含義 Application of first part |  |  | 第三單元含義 Application of first part | 第四單元含義 Application of first part |  |  | 主要技術參數 Main technical parameters | 使用類別Using sorts | 額定工作電壓(V)Rated wording voltage | 額定工作電流ARated working current | 防護等級 Protection category | AC-3 AC-4 | 220 38010 | IP65 | | | 防爆標志Exed II CT6 | 防腐等級Corrosion-proof grade | 進線口螺紋(G" | 電纜外徑(Φ,mm)Cable’s outside | Exed II CT6 | WF2 | 1* | 12-17 |
| | 產品特點 Features | - 增安型外殼,內裝元件防爆元件. The enclosure is incneased safety inside aremounted Explosion-proof typeelements.
- 外殼采用玻璃纖維增強不飽和聚酯樹脂壓制而成,具有 The shell mould-shapedby glass fiber reinforced unsaturated ployster resin.
外形美觀,耐腐蝕,抗靜電,耐沖擊及熱穩定性好等優良 has elegant shape excellent performancefunctions of 性能 corrosion-proofing, electrostatic-inststing,impact- withstanding andperfect thermalreliabilety.etc - 隔爆型控制開關具有結構緊湊,可靠性好,體積小,通斷 The explosion-separate type control switch with copact structure,steady property,
能力強,壽命長,并有多種功能供用戶選取配.防爆按 Small volume,high capacity,and long life has several functions to be selected freely.Explosion-proofing button by ultrasonic 鈕采用超聲波封裝工藝,保證了可靠的結合強度,按鈕 encapsulationarts,ensuring the dependable combining intension.The function of it can combine freely in two 的功能可以兩單元自由組合,防爆指示燈采用特殊的 units.The explosion-proof ing indicator by special desing,using within the AC voltage scope of 220V-380V generally. - 設計,交流220V-380V通用.
外露堅固件均采用不銹鋼,為防掉式設計維修方便. AII the exposed fastening pieces are made of stainless steel of anti-lost type,which be convenient ly to maintenance. 殼體和蓋的接合面采用迷宮式結構,具有較好的防 The joint of shell andcover is the formof devious-laby rinthian struture,Water-proof 水,了塵能力. Dust-proof. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079 標準要求. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
| 產品外形圖 Ouline example | 一單元殼體外形尺寸及安裝尺寸 Outlineandinstallingsize offirstunithull | 
| | 
| CBC8060-A2G2鈕)(Two buttons | | 掛式Pendant type | 二單元殼體外形及安裝尺寸 Outlineinstalling size of second unithull | 
| | 
| CBC8060-B1K1G一表一開關) (Oone meter one switch 掛式 Pendant type | | CBC8060-A2B1K1G二鈕一表一開) (Two buttons one meter one switch 掛式Pendant type | 
| | 
| CBC8060-B1K1L一表一開關) (One meter one switch 立式Vertical type | | CBC8060-A2B1KIL 二鈕一表一開關 立式 Vertical type | |