適用范圍Application | | - 1區、2區危場所。
IIA、IIB、IIC類爆竹性氣體環境. * 要求IIC類請注明. Can be used in Zone 1Zone 2one 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB 、IICgroup explosive atmosphere. *Please note if want IIC or safety-increased type.
| |  | 產品特點 Features | 型號含義Model implication | - 鑄鋁合金外殼,表面噴塑。
插銷與開關制成聯鎖結構,只有開關斷開后方能拔出插頭。 鋼管或電纜布線均可。 符合GB3836-2000。IEC60079 標準要求。 The shell is of diecasted AI-alloy with plastic sprayed surface. The plug together with switch is canstructed to form inter locks.Only if switch is off,the plug can be drawn out. Conduit wiring or cable wiring. Suitable for GB3836-2000.IEC60079 standard request.
|  | 主要技術參數 Main technical parameters |
產品型號Type | 額定電壓(V)Rated voltage | 額定電流(A)Rated current | 使用類別Using | 防爆標志Ex-mark | 電纜外徑ΦmmCable’s outerdiameter | 出線口螺紋(G"Outlet’s thread | 極數No.of pole | 防護等級Protection grade | 質量(KgMass | CBCX-16 | 380/220 | 15 | 1P+N | AC-1 AC-3 | Exde II BT6 *Exde II CT6 | IP54 *IP55 | 3/4 | 10-14 | 2 | CBCX-32 | 380/220 | 3P+N | 1/4 | 18-22 | 3.5 |
訂貨須知Notice if ordering 用戶在訂貨時須注明插銷的電流、電壓、結構形式。 Please indicate the current,voltagestructrue of plug if ordering. | 外形及安裝尺寸 Outlingeinstalling dimension | | CBCX-16Z | |  | | |  |