通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品
在外觀上其色彩明亮,無論白天黑夜都可以保證應有的警示作用; 在造型上可根據各城市的特色,作不同造型和色彩上的變化,
隔離墩采用線性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)高強度環保塑料“滾塑”一次成型,安置時向隔離墩內注入水或沙,即可穩定; 搬遷時排出水或沙,便可輕松移動; 在發生交通意外時,由于產生彈性碰撞,隔離墩起到了吸收一部分沖擊力的作用,而不是與沖撞體發生硬性撞擊,因而大大提高了安全保障; 同時能有效提高公路和城市交通的檔次; 在外觀上其色彩明亮,無論白天黑夜都可以保證應有的警示作用; 在造型上可根據各城市的特色,作不同造型和色彩上的變化,從而使該產品既具有實用性,又具有美觀性; 由于采用了高強度工程塑料,因此具備了強度高、*、耐腐蝕、耐高溫、耐嚴寒、耐日曬、耐雨淋等系列優點。 產品表面光滑流暢,因而又極易清潔.*中空設計,注滿水后具有緩沖彈性,能有效吸收強大沖擊力,對車輛的意外撞擊可減少沖擊,降低人員及車輛的損傷。
Water horse for one-time molding, heat resistant, cold resistant, impact resistance, not easy ageing. More elastic buffer after filled with water, emptying after water can be flexible to move. A yellow/red/white three colors to choose from.
【 features 】
Isolation pier adopts linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) environmental protection high strength plastic rotomolding \"a forming, the seafarer to infuse water or sand, isolation pier can be stable; Move out of water or sand, can easily move; In the case of traffic accident, because produce elastic collision, isolation pier have played an important role in absorbing part of impact, rather than a collision body hard hit, thus greatly improving the security; At the same time can effectively improve the level of highway and urban transportation; Its color is bright, in appearance can ensure proper warning role, day or night; According to the characteristics of the cities on modelling, change of different shape and color, so that the product has not only practical, but also has beautiful sex; The adoption of high strength engineering plastics, therefore has the high strength, not faded, corrosion resistant, high temperature resistant, cold resistance, resistance to the sun, rain, etc. Series of advantages. Product surface smooth smooth, therefore, easy to clean. The unique design of hollow, with elastic buffer after filled with water, can effectively absorb the strong impact, the impact of vehicle accident can be reduced, to reduce staff and damage of the vehicles.
【 安全小常識 】
1. 指揮燈信號:
(1) 綠燈亮時,準許車輛、行人通過,但拐變的車輛要避讓直行的車輛和被放行的行 人通過;
(2) 黃燈亮時,禁止車輛、行人通行,但已超通停車線的車輛和已進入人行橫道的行 人可以繼續通行,但要服從*的手勢,確保安全;
(3) 紅燈亮時,不準車輛、行人通行
(4) 綠燈亮時,準許車輛按箭頭所示方向通行;
(5) 黃燈閃爍時,車輛、行人須在確保安全的原則下通行。
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