產品介紹: F型連接器典型用于75Ω電纜分配系統,特別是CATV,廣播電視網絡,它既可用于有阻抗匹配要求的場合,也可用于非匹配場合。其特點是螺紋連接、插合方便、價格適宜。 F型連接器可與上同類產品互換使用。FL10產品為M10X0.75螺紋,結構、性能與F型相同。 F type joining devices use for 75 Ω cable assign system, espe
Gold-Plated Wire F Female Connector
F connectors series is economically priced connectors specially designed for use with NTSC TV ANTENNA and other similar applications.F type joining devices use for 75 Ω cable assign system, especially CATV, broadcast evision network. It can already be used for having impedance to mate the occasion required.