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2014年,Romesberg團隊在這一領域獲得了突破性的進展,他們在實現了dNaM-d5SICS的人造堿基對的高效高保真體外PCR復制和轉錄之后,隨即啟動了將這一人工堿基對應用于大腸桿菌體內的研究計劃。盡管在體外表現優異,但要將其成功的應用到生物體內顯然還必須面對更多的挑戰。首先,dNaM和d5SICS*是由人工創造出來的非天然堿基,因而Romesberg團隊面臨的*個難題是如何保證細胞內有足夠的dNaMTP以及d5SICSTP單體以用于這種人工DNA的復制。為了解決這一問題,Romesberg FE研究組嘗試了一系列不同來源的核苷三磷酸轉運蛋白,zui終發現一種海藻葉綠體的核苷三磷酸轉運蛋白PtNTT2能夠高效地將添加在培養基中的dNaMTP和d5SICSTP單體運輸到細胞質中。隨后,通過向培養基中添加磷酸鉀,該團隊又有效緩解了這兩種人工合成核苷三磷酸在培養基以及細胞內容易降解的問題。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室
In 2014, the Romesberg team made a breakthrough in this area, immediay following the introduction of efficient, high-fidelity in vitro PCR replication and transcription of dNaM-d5SICS artificial base pairs Research program in E. coli. Despite its excellent in vitro performance, its successful application to the organism obviously has to face more challenges. First, dNaM and d5SICS are compley engineered non-native bases. The first challenge the Romesberg team faced was how to ensure that enough dNaMTP and d5SICSTP monomers were available in the cell for the replication of this artificial DNA. In order to solve this problem, Romesberg FE team tried a series of nucleoside triphosphate transporters from different sources, finally found that a seaweed chloroplast nucleoside triphosphate transporter PtNTT2 can efficiently add dNaMTP and d5SICSTP monomer is transported into the cytoplasm. Subsequently, by adding potassium phosphate to the medium, the team effectively ameliorated the problems of the two synthetic nucleoside triphosphates being easily degraded in the medium and cells.
Since then, the team has constructed a plasmid pINF containing a pair of artificial base pairs and systematically studied the replication of this plasmid in E. coli. The study found that opening the transporter PtNTT2 expression and culture medium to add the corresponding exogenous In the case of artificial nucleoside triphosphates, this semi-synthetic plasmid replicates with reasonable speed and accuracy with little or no inhibition of E. coli cell growth and no other signs of loss of non-native base pairs. The results show that the fidelity of the unnatural base pairs in this semi-synthetic plasmid exceeds 99.4%, a fidelity equivalent to that of some viral DNA polymerases. The new bases were replicated for at least 24 rounds for nearly a week. In the absence of this transporter expression or absence of new bases, the non-native bases d5SICS and dNaM will gradually be replaced by the native bases A, T, C, G and eventually disappear compley from the genome. Such base substitutions have been shown to result from base mismatches in DNA replication rather than intracellular DNA repair systems.
On May 7, 2014, a research team led by Romesberg gave an online priority online paper on Nature, announcing the birth of a semi-synthetic hexa-nucleic acid molecule containing a pair of artificial base pairs (dNaM-d5SICS). During the same period, Nature distributed comments on the work, and Science, published on May 9, commented on the work. This work can be said to be one of the most important "milestones" in the field of artificial bases so far, marking a formal entry into the body of the research on artificial base pairs.
Since Clostridium perfringens is widespread in nature and its toxins may also be present in the gut of immunized or naturally resistant animals. Therefore, clinical examination of Clostridium perfringens toxins from the gut is still not confirmed to be Clostridium perfringens. Clostridium perfringens Clostridium perfringens According to the epidemiological characteristics of the disease, clinical and pathological features can make a preliminary diagnosis, the diagnosis will have to carry out laboratory tests.