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腸道微生物的形成和多樣性的組成受宿主內在和外在環境的影響,如宿主腸道的生理結構、自身的基因型、年齡、性別、健康狀態、飲食結構、獲得性免疫系統、地域、生活環境、社會行為等各方面因素。抗生素的使用是人類治療疾細菌歷*zui重要的進步之一。但是,細菌也在想方設法“東山再起”。據美國疾細菌控制中心統計,每年有超過兩百萬人感染具有耐藥性的細菌,其中至少有23 000由于治療無效死亡。而人們研發新的抗生素藥物已經變得越來越困難。
美國佛羅里達的科研人員揭示了一種細菌耐藥機制,針對這種耐藥機制,科研人員可以有目的的進行設計,zui大程度的減少細菌耐藥性的產生,并有可能開發2種新的抗生素類藥物,這項研究發表在2014年2月20日《化學與生物雜志》(Chemistry & Biology)網絡版。
這項研究首先圍繞平板鏈霉菌(Streptomyces platensis)(又叫普拉特鏈霉菌)展開。平板鏈霉菌屬于鏈霉菌屬,革蘭氏陽性細菌,嚴格好氧,形成氣生菌絲和基內菌絲,孢子成鏈狀。平板鏈霉菌屬于分泌抗菌物質的一個大家族,目前,超過三分之二臨床上使用的天然抗生素都是來源于這類細菌。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-3室
The formation and diversity of gut microbiota are influenced by the host's intrinsic and extrinsic environment, such as the host's intestinal physiology, its own genotype, age, sex, health, diet, adaptive immune system, Living environment, social behavior and other factors. The use of antibiotics is one of the most significant advancements in the history of human disease-treating bacteria. However, the bacteria are also trying to "come back". According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center, more than two million people are infected with drug-resistant bacteria each year, of which at least 23,000 die ineffectively due to treatment. It has become increasingly difficult for people to develop new antibiotic drugs.
Researchers in Florida, U.S.A. have uncovered a bacterial resistance mechanism that allows researchers to design in a targeted manner to minimize bacterial resistance and to develop two new antibiotics The study was published in the online edition of Chemistry & Biology on February 20, 2014.
The study first revolves around Streptomyces platensis (also known as Streptomyces pulman). Streptomyces spp belongs to the genus Streptomyces, Gram-positive bacteria, strict aerobic, the formation of aerobic mycelium and hyphae, spores into a chain. Streptomyces is a large family of antimicrobial substances. At present, more than two-thirds of the natural antibiotics used clinically are derived from such bacteria.
Streptomyces can secrete antimicrobial substances, thereby protecting themselves from the impact of other bacteria. Antibiotics secreted by Streptomyces platensis fall into two categories: platensimycin and platencin. Fatty acid synthesis is essential for bacterial cell wall formation, but also the basis for the existence of bacteria. Although the structure of the plaet is similar to that of the tablet, the former inhibits two separate enzymes during fatty acid synthesis, whereas the latter inhibits only one enzyme.
It is worth to study why these antimicrobial substances secreted by Streptomyces platensis can kill other bacteria but are harmless to themselves. Recently, researchers used molecular genetic and bioinformatics techniques to reveal two mechanisms involved in bacterial anti-planar and anti-plaet. Essentially, the researchers discovered a pair of genes from Streptomyces spp. Bacteria use the gene to fundamentally simplify the way fatty acids are synthesized, giving bacterial resistance.