當前位置:廣州健侖生物科技有限公司>>人類診斷血清>>血清>> 日本生研軍團菌診斷血清(凝集法)
200549 軍團菌診斷血清 套裝 2ml 10支
214997 pneumophila1群 嗜肺軍團菌 2ML
215000 pneumophila2群 規格:2ML
215017 pneumophila3群 規格:2ML
215024 pneumophila4群 規格:2ML
215031 pneumophila5群 規格:2ML
215048 pneumophila6群 規格:2ML
215055 bozemanii 博茲曼軍團菌 2ML
215062 dumoffii 杜莫夫軍團菌 2ML
215079 gormanii 戈爾曼軍團菌 2ML
215086 micdadei 米克戴德軍團菌 2ML
215727 pneumophila7群 規格:2ml
215734 pneumophila8群 規格:2ml
293572 pneumophila9群 規格:2ml
293589 pneumophila10群 規格:2ml
293626 pneumophila11群 規格:2ml
293633 pneumophila12群 規格:2ml
293640 pneumophila13群 規格:2ml
293657 pneumophila14群 規格:2ml
293664 pneumophila15群 規格:2ml
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市 場 部】 楊永漢
【騰訊Q Q】 2042552662
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103室
1. 細菌培養法
軍團菌為革蘭氏陰性桿菌,專性需氧,胞內寄生菌。軍團菌zui初是從以軍團菌病人肺組織感染的豚鼠中分離出來的。這種方法雖然有較高的可靠性,但非常昂貴,而且費時費力,不久就被平板培養法所取代。目前標準培養基為活性碳酵母浸膏瓊脂平板,也稱軍團菌生長平板(BCYE)。接種在 BCYE 平板上的樣品在溫度為35-37ºC,培養10天,在濃度為2.5% CO2 的環境下培養更有利于軍團菌的生長。軍團菌的菌落通常呈白色、灰色、有熒光。軍團菌在 BCYE 平板上生長而在平板和半光氨酸缺失 BCYE-Cys 平板上不生長。
核酸擴增技術,即聚合酶鏈式反應(polymerase chainreaction,PCR),其基本原理是設計、合成兩條寡核苷酸,作為引物,對應于待測病原微生物某一段特異性序列的兩端,然后在體外模擬DNA體內復制的過程反復擴增,使靶序列放大上萬倍甚至上百萬倍而被檢測出來。
Bacterial culture
Legionella is Gram-negative bacilli, obligate aerobic, intracellular parasites. Legionella was first isolated from guinea pigs infected with lung tissue of Legionnaires' patients. Although this method has high reliability, but very expensive, but also time-consuming and laborious, and soon was replaced by plate culture method. The current standard medium is activated carbon yeast extract agar plate, also known as Legionella growth plate (BCYE). The samples inoculated on BCYE plates grew at a temperature of 35-37ºC for 10 days and cultured at a concentration of 2.5% CO 2 more conducive to Legionella growth. Legionella colonies are usually white, gray, fluorescent. Legionella grew on BCYE plates and did not grow on plates and half-my-leucine-deficient BCYE-Cys plates.
2. Serological slide agglutination method
Legionella infection can be detected about 1 week in the serum of Legionella specific IgM antibodies, about 2 weeks to detect specific IgG antibodies.
Legionella pneumophila has been found in 15 serotypes. Among them, Legionella pneumophila serotype 1 (Lp1) has the closest relationship with human diseases, followed by Lp4 and Lp6.
3 nucleic acid amplification method
The principle of nucleic acid amplification, that is, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is to design and synthesize two oligonucleotides, which serve as primers and correspond to the two ends of a specific sequence of the pathogenic microorganism to be tested. Then in vitro replication of DNA replication in vivo repeated amplification process, the target sequence to enlarge tens of thousands or even millions of times were detected.
Conventional PCR: The standard of identification is determined by electrophoresis to determine whether the amplified nucleic acid fragment and the size of the amplified product are correct.
Real-time fluorescence PCR: Real-time fluorescence PCR reaction through real-time monitoring of each signal to determine the fluorescence signal analysis.