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聯系人:文蓉 (銷售工程師)






Multi Burst TC 0.1-7.0 MHz in 0.1MHz steps
The TE199 is designed for acurate resolution measurement. The chart consists of six rows with each ten fields of rectangular bursts.
TE199 A
TE199 D




Sony HDTV Set Up Test Chart
The SONY HDTV Setup Test Chart is determined for setting up all Sony cameras which are switchable between 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio. It consists of a gray background with grid structure and two 3-step-gray scales in center of the chart.
TE200 A
TE200 D




Sector star 20 Cycles
The TE202 is designed for adjustment of camera lenses and checking back focal distance.
TE202 A
TE202 D
TE203 16:9


Double Saw Tooth Test Chart (digital signal quantisation)
The TE203 is designed to check cameras for quantization errors. It consists of a high and low contrast saw tooth.
TE203 D


TE204 16:9


Sinusoidal Multi Burst Test Chart (1-10 MHz)
The TE204 is designed to measure resolution of cameras. It contains sinusoidal multiburst patterns from 0.5-10 MHz.
TE204 16:9 D




Gamma Measurement Test Chart
The TE205 is designed to check the gamma setting of the camera. The chart shows ten gray steps from 1-10% transmission and ten gray steps from 10-* transmission.
TE205 D




Flare Test Chart (Thomson No. 29299905)
The TE206 is used to measure flare of camera systems. A black rectangle is surrounded by a large white area.
TE206 A
TE206 D


TE207te207Resolution Test Chart (Thomson No. 4150089)
The TE207 is designed to measure resolution. It consists of multiburst patterns from 0.5-6.67 MHz in the center and the corners of the image.
TE207 A
TE207 D




Cine Color Test Chart
The test chart is composed of the three primary colors Red, Green and Blue and the secondary colors Yellow, Purple and Cyan.
TE209 A




Cine Neutrality Test Chart
The TE210 is mainly designed for assessment of the neutrality of color reproduction. The test chart shows in its center a field of neutral gray with 18% reflectance and at its sides two small fields each with white of 90% and black of 3% reflectance.
TE210 A




Cine Gray Scale Chart (6 Steps)
The TE211 is designed for evaluating the brightness rendition and the neutrality of color rendition of cine cameras. Inside a white frame corresponding to the S16 aspect ratio six neutral gray fields are arranged. Their brightness is graded in a way to correspond to one lens stop each.
TE211 A




Cine Stability Test Chart
The TE212 is designed for evaluating the picture stability of film cameras.
TE212 D




Cine Format Test Chart (S16 / N16) Picture Stability
The TE213 is used to set up film cameras and scanners. In the center is a Siemens star for focusing and there are several frames marked for different film formats.
TE213 A




Color Rendition Test Chart (IEC 61146)
The TE214 is designed for assessment of the color rendition of electronic cameras. It consists of a neutral gray background, a white field, a black field (super black hole) with a remission of < 0.5% and a second black field, where color patterns may be applied alternatively.
TE214 A
TE214 D




Blooming Test Chart (IEC 61146)
The TE215 is designed to measure the blooming effect of an electronical video camera. Therefore the black test chart contains a small rectangular window.
TE215 A
TE215 D


Moiré Test Chart (IEC 61146)
The TE216 is designed for determining the degree of crosstalk of FM-luminance sidebands into the down-converted chrominance band, being demodulated as unwanted color signals (the socalled 'cross-color').
TE216 A
TE216 D




Y-C-Offset Test Chart (IEC 61146)
The TE217 is designed to measure the Y-C-offset. It contains a black center area surrounded by white space and four green patches around that on a gray background.
TE217 D




Autofocus Test Chart Set (IEC 61146)
The TE218 is designed to check the autofocus system of a camera. It consists of two different sizes of Siemens stars.
TE218 A




Noise Measurement Test Chart (ISO 15739) 20:1, 80:1, 160:1, 1000:1
The TE219 is designed for noise measurement of still video. It consists of circular and horizontal positioned gray fields, one gradient field and one field containing a diagonal multiburst with different frequencies.
TE219 A 80:1
TE219 D 80:1
TE219 A 1000:1 TE219 D 1000:1
TE219 D 160:1




Back Focus Test Chart (36 cycles with corner stars)
The TE220 is designed for adjustment of camera lenses and checking back focal distance. It consists of a large Siemens star in the center an four smaller ones positioned in the corners of the test chart.
TE220 A
TE220 D




Scanner Color Test Chart (IEC 61966-8)
The TE221 is designed to calibrate the color reproduction of a scanner. 264 color patches and 22 gray patches are on the chart.
TE221 A


TE222 16:9


HDTV Color Resolution Test Chart
The TE222 is designed to measure color resolution of HD cameras. R, G, B, BY and MC multiburst patterns from 2 MHz to 20 MHz are on the chart
TE222 16:9 A
TE222 16:9 D
TE223 16:9


HDTV Log. Gray Scale Test Chart, 13 steps, contrast 1:200
The TE223 is designed for evaluation of the halftone reproduction of electronic cameras. Two 13-graduated counter current gray scales are arranged on a gray background. The gray scales being graduated logarithmically.
TE223 16:9 A
TE223 16:9 D


TE224 16:9


HDTV Resolution Test Chart
The TE224 is designed to measure and describe the frequency response of an electronic HDTV camera. The test chart consists of 50 multi burst fields, which are distributed over a 16:9 picture area. The fields are arranged in horizontal and vertical direction to measure resolution in both directions.
TE224 16:9 A
TE224 16:9 D


TE225 16:9


HDTV Resolution Test Chart
The TE225 is designed to measure and describe the frequency response of an electronic HDTV camera. The test chart consists of 32 multiburst fields, which are distributed over a 16:9 picture area. The fields are arranged in horizontal and vertical directions in order to measure the resolution in both directions.
TE225 16:9 A
TE225 16:9 D


TE226 16:9


HDTV Color Rendition Test Chart
The TE226 is designed for the evaluation of the color rendition of HDTV cameras. The chart consists of 36 color patches and a 9-step gray scale. In addition to the primary and secondary colors the test chart contains mainly the colors, which are critical in reproduction, e.g. dark and light skin tones, foliage, blue sky, orange, violet and others.
TE226 16:9 D




Color Key Test Chart
The TE229 is designed to check colors of a camera. A circle of 30 different colors and four patches with the colors white, gray, green and blue are on the chart.
TE229 A




X-Rite Color Checker SG
The Digital ColorChecker Semi Gloss (SG) is specifically designed to meet the needs of digital photography. It consists of 140 patches, includes standard ColorChecker, skin-tone reference colors and gray scale steps. It is mounted on an aluminium plate.
TE230 A


TE231 N 16:9


HD Sweep Test Chart
The TE231 is designed for checking the frequency response of HDTV cameras. The test chart shows vertical lines over the whole image area ranging from 100 to 1200 lines.
TE231 16:9 D


TE232 16:9


Log. Gray Scale/Color Test Chart 16:9 (super black hole in folders)
The TE232 is designed for the evaluation of the halftone and color reproduction of an electronic camera. Two 11-graduated counter current gray scales are arranged on a gray background (graduated logarithmically) and there are two color patches representing the three primary colors as well as the three secondary colors.
TE232 16:9 A


TE233 16:9


Color Chart with 24 colors and 4 skin tones
The TE233 is designed for measuring the color reproduction of HD cameras, for selective color correction and for making color reference shootings for post production. The chart is composed of color patches including the three basic colors, the secondary colors and patches with four skin tones.
TE233 16:9 A


TE234 16:9


Color Gradation Test Chart
The TE234 consists of different color grades. It is used to check quantization errors which result in visible steps in the grades.
TE234 16:9 A




Surveillance Camera Test Chart
The TE235 is desigend for the on-site testing of surveillance cameras. The chart roughly corresponds to the size of a person. It consists of different line pairs, a sector star, a gray scale and color fields. It is supplied with a tripod which allows the chart to be tilted and turned by 360°.


TE236 16:9


Lens Breathing Test Chart
The TE236 is designed to measure lens breathing. This means a change of the focal length (the reproduction scale of the scene) of the lens just by changing the focus point. It contains three white vertical stripes on a black background.
TE236 16:9 A




High Resolution Sector Star Test Chart
The TE237 serves for checking resolution over the whole picture area. It consists of sector stars of 72 (black and white) sectors.
TE237 A
TE237 D


TE239 16:9


HDTV In Mega Cycle Test Chart
The TE239 is designed for checking the frequency response of the modulation depth and the uniformity of modulation depth of HDTV cameras. The test chart consists of multiburst fields, which are distributed over a 16:9 picture area. The fields are arranged in horizontal and vertical directions in order to measure resolution in both directions.
TE239 16:9 A
TE239 16:9 D




ISO 21550 Scanner Dynamic Range Chart
The TE240 is designed to check the 35 mm-scanner dynamic range. It has 24 graypatches with a density range of 4.0 or 6.0. The reflective version consists of a 2.4 density range.
TE240 D


TE241 16:9


OECF/Noise Chart with 20 gray patches 10000:1 (ISO 14524, ISO 15739)
The TE241 is designed to measure the characteristic curve of digital cameras. It is an extended OECF chart and has 20 patches and a contrast range of 10.000:1, 1:100.000, or if needed 1.000.000:1.
TE241 16:9 D




IE Pattern Resolution
The TE244 is designed to check aliasing behavior of digital cameras.
TE244 A
TE244 D




IE Landolt Circle Resolution
The TE245 is designed to make a visual resolution analysis of digital cameras. It contains Landolt circles in different sizes.
TE245 A
TE245 D
TE246 16:9


4 Quadrant Sector Star
The special star consists of four segments each with a different number of cycles. So it is possible to focus the wide angle and the e position for an optimal adjustment of the focusing point. This is essential for positioning the flange focal distance without a special collimator.
TE246 16:9 A
TE246 16:9 D


TE248 16:9


Distortion Grid
The TE248 is designed to measure disortion of digital cameras. It contains a fine grid of black lines on white background.
TE248 16:9 A
TE248 16:9 D


TE249 16:9


Scale to measure macro capabilities
The TE249 is designed to determine the macro capabilities of a camera-lens system.
TE249 16:9 A
TE249 16:9 D


USAF resolution test chart 35mm
USAF resolution test chart on fi lm in 35 mm is useable for scanner resolution up to 10.000 ppi.


TE251 16:9


Distortion and Chromatic Aberration, Crosses
The TE251 is designed to measure the distortion of digital cameras. It contains black crosses on a white background.
TE251 16:9 A
TE251 16:9 D




CIPA Resolution Target
The TE252 is designed to measure resolution of digital cameras. It is described in the CIPA standard.
TE252 A
TE252 D


Modulated Sinusoidal Siemens Star
The TE253 is designed for checking resolution. The chart contains a radially sine modulated Siemens star in the center of the image, gray patches and black squares with a small white square in it.
TE253 A


TE256 16:9


Color and Calibration Test Chart revised Version of TE232 (super black hole in folders)
The TE256 is designed to color align HD cameras.
TE256 A




IT8 Scanner Characterization Chart
The TE258 is designed to characterise slide/ print scanners. It is suitable to create color management profiles for scanners.
TE258 D


OECF/Noise Chart with 20 gray patches contrast 10000:1
The TE259 is designed to check the dynamic range of broadcast cameras on a waveform monitor. It contains a gray step wedge with 20 patches and a contrast range of 10.000:1.
TE259 D


TE260 16:9te260Dot Chart
The 'dot' chart consists of two different charts on the front side and on the back side. One of them has 31 lines of dots and the other 15 lines of dots. They can be used to determine distortion and chromatic
TE260 A


TE261 16:9te261Slanted Edges
This target has a tilted checkerboard in the background and five low contrast slanted edges together with surrounding gray patches in the front. It is used to determine the SFR of digital capture devices and is our default chart in combination with the AF-Box and STEVE.
TE261 A


Universal Test Target (UTT)
The Universal Test Target is designed to evaluate the image quality of scanners and other digital input devices used to create the digital images of documents, photos and other reflective media.
TE262 A




Scan Reference Chart
The chart consists of gray steps, color patches, a scale and resolution pattern. It allows automatic analysis of each scanned page and, in combination with the right software, provides information for the purpose of showing when a specific page happens to be out of specs.
 TE263 A


TE264 16:9


OECF 20 Chart (following ISO  14524/15739)
The former OECF chart contains 12 or 20 gray patches in a circular order and three different patterns in the center of the chart. The current version of the OECF chart skips the center patches due to the sometimes occurring straylight. This chart is also offered as TE264X where the 20 gray patches are not rasterized as in the standard version of the chart but done with nearly no structure on a very fine grained film.
TE264 D 10.000:1
TE264 D 100.000:1
TE264 D 1.000.000:1
TE264X D 10.000:1




Dead Leaves
This chart contains a so-called dead leaves (in this case circles) structure. The structure is made up of circles in all sizes and gray levels. It is used to determine the Dead Leaves SFR, an approach to describe the loss of low contrast fine details.




Microfilm Target DIN 19051
The DIN 19051 provides a test chart to calibrate a microfilm production chain. They can be mounted on a plastic backing to put on a table or hung up on whatever kind of mounting is available. In contrast to the existing standard our new default chart TE266 will use the line pair target known as ISO 19051 pattern No 2 because it is more intuitive to evaluate and more widely used. But on request Image Engineering offers the original version with ISO 19051 pattern .
TE266 D




Lens Resolution Test Chart
The TE268 is designed for resolution and sharpness measurements. 25 sinusoidal modulated Siemens stars, 16 slanted edges at four different contrasts, four colored dead leaves structures and rope structure images are placed on the chart. A very detailed analysis over nine different image heights is possible with this chart. The chart has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (image size of 810x1080 mm) or 3:2 (image size of 810x1215 mm). It is suitable for systems from 2 MP up to 180 MP.
TE268 A


OECF 36 Chart (following  ISO 14524/15739)
For high dynamic range cameras, the OECF charts with patches calculated according to ISO 14524 are not that convincing. Densities are calculated according to the cube root formula result in large steps in the high-density patches. Image Engineering’s solution for the problem is the TE269, a 36 patch OECF chart which basically follows ISO 14524 but implements additional steps especially at higher density levels.
TE269 D 1.000.000:1 




OECF Chart
The TE270X chart is similar to the TE264 but it is equipped with two polarizing filters in the center of the chart. For cameras that do not allow a manual adjustment of the exposure, the automatic exposure control (AEC) is fooled by modifying the density (transmission) of the central part of the test chart. This feature is needed especially for low-end cameras and camera modules in devices that often do not have a manual exposure adjustment.
TE270X D 10.000:1




3D Alignment Chart
The real 3D Alignment Chart is designed to align and adjust cameras for a 3D shooting. A unique combination of 2D and 3D structures allows the easy and straightforward preparation of the stereoscopic camera setup.
TE271 A



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