人血影蛋白(spectrin)ELISA定量檢測試劑盒 英文名稱:Human spectrin ELISA kit 我們擁有完善的ELISA實驗檢測服務中心,能滿足廣大客戶對代測的需求,提供免費代測服務,全國包郵,市場上能提供的ELISA試劑盒,我們均能提供(我們擁有專業的ELISA試劑盒定制團隊),很多大中城市的科研單位都慕名找到我們。人血影蛋白(spectrin)ELISA定量檢測試劑盒 保質期:六個月。
冠狀動脈內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
冠狀動脈平滑肌細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
冠狀動脈平滑肌細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
海馬神經應細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
海馬神經元細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
頜下腺上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
頜下腺上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
虹膜色素上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
虹膜色素上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
虹膜色素上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
滑膜細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
滑膜細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
滑膜細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
滑膜細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
甲狀腺癌組織源性原代細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)/1ml
甲狀腺濾泡上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
膠質瘤組織源性原代細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)/1ml
角膜內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
角膜內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
角膜內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
角膜上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
角膜上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
角膜上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
結腸癌組織源性原代細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)/1ml
結腸平滑肌細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
結腸粘膜上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
晶狀體上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
晶狀體上皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴成纖維細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴成纖維細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴成纖維細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴成纖維細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴管內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
人血影蛋白(spectrin)ELISA定量檢測試劑盒淋巴管內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴管內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)
淋巴內皮細胞 Many types of cells 包裝: 5 × 105次方(1ml)