通信電纜 網絡設備 無線通信 云計算|大數據 顯示設備 存儲設備 網絡輔助設備 信號傳輸處理 多媒體設備 廣播系統 智慧城市管理系統 其它智慧基建產品
1. Up to 1.25Gb/s bi-directional data links
2. Hot-pluggable SFP footprint
3. Extended case temperature range (-40°C to +85°C )
4. Fully metallic enclosure for low EMI
5. Low power dissipation
6. Compact RJ-45 connector assembly
7. Detailed product information in EEPROM
8. +3.3V single power supply
9. Access to physical layer IC via 2-wire serial bus
10. 10/100/1000 BASE-T operation in host systems with SGMII interface
11. Compliant with SFP MSA
12. Compliant with IEEE Std 802.3TM-2002
13. Compliant with FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Class B
14. RoHS Compliant Products
Pin | Signal name | Description | MSA Notes |
1 | VEET | Transmitter ground (common with receiver ground) |
2 | TFAULT | Transmitter Fault. Not supported | Note 1 |
3 | TDIS | Transmitter Disable. PHY disabled on high or open | Note 2 |
4 | MOD_DEF(2) | Module Definition 2. Data line for Serial ID. | Note 3 |
5 | MOD_DEF(1) | Module Definition 1. Clock line for Serial ID. | Note 3 |
6 | MOD_DEF(0) | Module Definition 0. Grounded within the module. | Note 3 |
7 | Rate Select | No connection required |
8 | LOS | Loss of Signal - High Indicates Loss of Signal |
9 | VEER | Receiver Ground (common with transmitter ground) |
10 | VEER | Receiver Ground (common with transmitter ground) |
11 | VEER | Receiver Ground(common with transmitter ground) |
12 | RD- | Receiver Inverted DATA out. AC Coupled | Note 5 |
13 | RD+ | Receiver Non-inverted DATA out. AC Coupled | Note 5 |
14 | VEER | Receiver Ground (common with transmitter ground) |
15 | VCCR | Receiver Power Supply | Note 6 |
16 | VCCT | Transmitter Power Supply | Note 6 |
17 | VEET | Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) |
18 | TD+ | Transmitter Non-Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled. | Note 7 |
19 | TD- | Transmitter Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled. | Note 7 |
20 | VEET | Transmitter Ground(common with receiver ground) |
主營產品:高清網絡攝像機 NVR 視頻光端機 光纖收發器 協議轉換器 網絡延長器 POE供電/光纖交換機 EPON三網合一 光貓 SFP光模塊等聯系電話:13265696350 QQ2949564964(唐生)
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