1 | 測微鼓輪的分度 | 0.01mm | 2 | 測量范圍 | 0~8mm | 3 | 線視場 | 10mm | 4 | 測微精度 | <0.01mm | 5 | 接筒外徑 | φ23.2d | 6 | 分劃面離目鏡管端面 | 12mm | 7 | 電壓 | 220V | 8 | 頻率 | 50 HZ |
該儀器采用光波導效應原理,光學系統結構設計獨到,成像效果良好,其誤差不超過 3.6Mpa,主要性能達到了國際同類產品的要求。 | |
?Surface stress meter for thermal or chemical tempered glass(SSM-II) 1. Application The instrument is applicable to non-destructively determine surface stress ofthe heat-strenthened or tempered float flat glass, and can also be used tomeasure the surface stress of the chemically ion-exchanged glass. 2. Technical data a. Contact oil: Clove oil with index of refraction at 25℃=1.54 b. Magnification of micrometer eyepiece: 15× c. Min. degree scale of micrometer eyepiece: 0.01mm. ??