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主營產品: MONITRAN加速度傳感器,BEDIA水位傳感器,BEDIA水位傳感器 |

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主營產品: MONITRAN加速度傳感器,BEDIA水位傳感器,BEDIA水位傳感器 |
產品圖片 | 產品名稱 | |||
德國Fuchs 過濾器、Fuchs 濾芯、Fuchs 離心通風機、 簡單介紹:2006 Further extension of a photovoltaic system to a capacity of 30 kW. 2005 Extension of the photovoltaic system to a capacity of 10 kW. 產品型號: 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
FRER工廠意大利FRER計數器、FRER傳感器、FRER固態電表FRER工廠 簡單介紹:Frer was founded in 1980 with the aim to manufacture switchboards electric measuring instruments for low voltage, medium voltage 產品型號:FRER工廠 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
Ferroflex德國Ferroflex 彈簧Ferroflex 工廠Ferroflex 現貨Ferroflex 價格 簡單介紹:Ferroflex Gutekunst Ressorts est spécialisé dans le développement et la fabrication de ressorts de compression, 產品型號:Ferroflex 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
EMILE MAURIN定位栓,分度銷,旋轉柱塞,EMILE MAURIN工廠EMILE MAURI 簡單介紹:EMILE MAURIN定位栓,分度銷,旋轉柱塞,EMILE MAURIN工廠EMILE MAURIN現貨 產品型號: 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
210、230、261、272德國electrother熱電偶electrother工廠electrother 現貨 簡單介紹:德國electrotherm GMBH成立于1991年,是一個傳統的玻璃儀表和溫度儀表中心。electrother熱電偶是溫度測量儀表中常用的測溫元件 產品型號:210、230、261、272 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
GSATLT120/24 3*400V德國DETAS模塊 DETAS電阻DETAS工廠 簡單介紹:DC10/250 10A 115-250VAC 50-60Hz 信號轉換模塊 SMOR 30X165 240W 1,2ohm 7050951352 電阻器 產品型號:GSATLT120/24 3*400V 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
DP18,LP18,DP25DP18德國Altmann電位器ALTMANN傳感器Altmann工廠 簡單介紹:精密角度傳感器DP18,LP18,DP25系列,精密角度傳感器DP09,DP113,DP120系列,精密角度傳感器DMG系列 ,精密角度傳感器F25系列直線位移傳感器DL25,DL30 產品型號:DP18,LP18,DP25 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
AlphaLabAlphaLab電場儀AlphaLab電壓表AlphaLab工廠 簡單介紹:AlphaLab公司于1993年1月在美國鹽湖城成立,由物理學博士Bill Lee創立(超導電子,1986年)。該公司生產各種電子產品,包括TriField儀表(可同時測量電、磁、微波場)、磁場計、交直流高斯計、電場儀、電壓表、無線電微波報警器等。 產品型號:AlphaLab 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2016-01-16 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
zuwaHerta and Erich Zumpe start Zumpe Waren in Laufen 簡單介紹:1946 Herta and Erich Zumpe start Zumpe Waren in Laufen. 1959 Production of the first pump. Production of self made sprayers for farming. 1969 Production of the first impeller pump, 產品型號:zuwa 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
Zero-MaxZero-Max is a leading provider of motion control s 簡單介紹:Zero-Max is a leading provider of motion control solutions and one of the industry’s most trusted coupling manufacturers. We provide shaft couplings, right angle gear drives, 產品型號:Zero-Max 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
WolffWolff Controls Corporation (WCC) provides Hall 簡單介紹:Wolff Controls Corporation (WCC) provides Hall Effect Position Sensors that have package diameters down to 2.2mm. 產品型號:Wolff 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
weilerWith relentless focus and clarity, we aggressively 簡單介紹:With relentless focus and clarity, we aggressively target the highest potential markets, channels, and geographies in which we compete. With this in mind, 產品型號:weiler 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
WaltonWalton Engineering has been designing and manufact 簡單介紹:Established in 1942, Walton Engineering has been designing and manufacturing temperature control systems for more than 60 years. These systems are sold world-wide, and our direct operated range of 產品型號:Walton 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
VonbergVonberg Valve Inc was established in 2006, 簡單介紹:Shanghai HangOu Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2006, and is specializing in the import of mechanical & electrical equipment spare parts, i 產品型號:Vonberg 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
Vortec becameVortec became the first company to develop technol 簡單介紹:1961, Vortec became the first company to develop technology for converting the vortex tube phenomenon into practical, effective industrial cooling solutions. Since then, 產品型號:Vortec became 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
Von RudenVon Ruden has been designing and producing drive 簡單介紹:Von Ruden has been designing and producing drive components for sixty years, beginning in 1946 with right angle gear boxes and parallel shaft speed reducers. 產品型號:Von Ruden 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
VisionVision Vision & Control has been developing, 簡單介紹:Vision Vision & Control has been developing, manufacturing and marketing a coordinated portfolio of modular machine vision systems for more than 20 years. The company's product development expertise 產品型號:Vision 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
VIBCOVIBCO manufactures vibration solutions for materia 簡單介紹:VIBCO manufactures vibration solutions for material flow, efficiency and safety – and we’ve doing it since 1962. We began our journey in Lodi, New Jersey in 1962 with a line of electric vibrators. 產品型號:VIBCO 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
VaughanThat was the question Jim Vaughan found himself as 簡單介紹:That was the question Jim Vaughan found himself asking on a regular basis. In the service bay of the gas station he owned in Elma, Washington, 產品型號:Vaughan 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 | ||
Universal HydraulikThis is the principle which Universal Hydraulik 簡單介紹:This is the principle which Universal Hydraulik has been following for more than 30 years in designing hydraulic systems, cooling systems and heat exchangers which are used all over the world in all f 產品型號:Universal Hydraulik 所在地:上海市 更新時間:2015-12-12 |
參考價:面議 詢價留言 |