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主營產品: 接近開關,雙向拉繩開關,兩級跑偏開關,光電開關,磁性開關,打滑開關,行程限位開關,礦用防爆電器 |

- 聯系人:
- 嚴晨陽
- 電話:
- 0713-2117511
- 手機:
- 15717872660
- 售后電話:
- 0713-2117511
- 傳真:
- 0713-2117511
- 地址:
- 湖北麻城市滬蓉大道
- 郵編:
- 438300
參考價 | 面議 |
- 型號 KCZ-JB800LW
- 品牌
- 廠商性質 生產商
- 所在地 黃岡市
更新時間:2019-11-22 08:16:30瀏覽次數:666
聲光報警器KCZ-JB800LW 220VAC產品特點
1. 外殼采用鋁合金壓鑄成型,經速拋丸處理后進行壓靜電粉末噴涂及的烘烤工藝烘烤,具有很強的防腐能力;
2. 外殼進行化設計,并采用壓壓鑄,因而結構緊湊,外形美觀,材質致密,具有較的機械強度。
3. 玻璃罩、殼體、揚聲器均有密封措施,具有良好的防水、防塵性能;
4. 鋼化玻璃燈罩,能承受能量(4J)沖擊及熱劇變試驗而不損壞;
5. 鋼管或電纜布線均可。
聲光報警器KCZ-JB800LW 220VAC安全警鈴采用集成電路,頂部帶有大迥轉燈。燈具用220V交流電機驅動并配有大功率揚聲器,適用于起重機械、門吊、橋吊、行車、油田、礦山等大型設備的安全報警裝置。本產品可根據客戶提供的語言內容或磁帶加工成語言塊,達到語言提示效果。此款聲光報警器防水防塵,可用于船舶機械上。聲光報警器是一種閃光燈和喇叭同時示警的設備,閃光燈采用脈沖氙氣燈管制成,聲音使用壓電揚聲器產生,具有亮度閃光、響亮音頻報警功能。產品具有重量輕、防水、抗震、使用簡單等點,是速公路、道路口、地下隧道及起重機械的安全信號裝置。
行車聲光報警器 SJ-4 SJ-5 SJ-5L SJ-4L船用箱式走道警報器 SJ-2 SJ-2L SJ-Ⅱ SJ-ⅡL SJ-3 SJ-3L SJ-3W船用聲光報警器SJ-II SJ-IIL JDX-1 BGS52
警器EWS-200KA-J TBJ-150天車訊響器 TBJ-150聲光報警器 TBJ-100天車報警器 音聲報警器BC-60 應答裝置 TXJ-9 TXJ-10 語音通訊系統 NHA-5W 多功能指揮儀 無線對講系統、多
功能報警器、語音放大器 通訊指揮裝置 AL203 聲光多層報 AL110無線報警器 無線聲光報警器 BC-809聲光報警器 BC-32 吊具報警器 JBQ-3A射線現場
警器,射線警報器;BC-110 BC-110F BC-110A聲光電子蜂鳴器 BC-30大功率報警器 BC-29多用途報警器 BC-9 船用防水報警器 BC-8A BC-8F電子蜂鳴器 BC-8
BC-8T BC-8P BC-8X BC-8Q BC-8U BC-8S BC-8Y BC-8H BC-8K BC-8C 聲光報警器,天車聲光報警器,聲光電子蜂鳴器 BC-6 BC-6A BC-6F BC-5 BC-5F BC-
3DF聲光電子蜂鳴器 BC-3B BC-3BF BC- BC-3A BC-3AF BC-3AV BC-3A-Y BC-2B BC-2C BC-2F BC-2Y BC-2X BC-2K BC-2W BC-2Ⅱ BC-27F BC-27X BC-27K多
用途報警器 多功能報警器 ABC-61V ABC-16 吊具提示器 ABC-401箭頭信號指示燈 ABC-30A走道照明燈 ABC-18箭頭信號指示燈 ABC-12 ABC-9ABC-9F ABC-9
BC-3-2 ABC-3-4 ABC-2-8 ABC-H2三相電源指示燈 LS708 LS707 LS701 LS702航空障礙燈LS308 LS307 LS303 LS302雙聯航空障礙燈 LT101 太陽能航空障礙燈
ABC-7L航空示 ABC-7M LM001中光強航空障礙燈 WJ-1 WJ-1L WJ-1LG WJ-170回轉式圓燈 WJ-2 WJ-2L WJ-2-60 WJ-2-80 WJ-2-100 WJ-2-100B WJ-3 W
J-4回轉式WJ-4A WJ-5 WJ-5BL WJ-6 WJ-7 WJ-8A WJ-8B DWJ-10 DWJ-10L DWJ-5 DWJ-5L聲光組合報 DJ-12200 DJ-12100警報指揮儀DJ-1224 DJ-1280
大功率報警器DJ-200 DJ-100 DJ-40A DJ-40B風動報警器 FD-1 FD-2銀行防盜警報器YH-1 YH-2 YH-3 SJ-1船用報警器 天車聲光報警器,起重機聲光報警器
BGS-5F船用聲光組合報警系統 DW-01型電子霧笛 A-001 C-002 H-003 YL-220J YL120-220J YL200-220J交流電鈴YLK-24Z YL120-24Z YL200-24Z直流電鈴YZ-
24Z YZ-220J YM-24Z YM-220J鳴音器YLX-24Z YLX-220J YLX120-24Z YLX200-24Z信號燈電鈴YLM-24Z YLM-220J電鈴鳴音器SYD24A-1 SYD24A-3 SYD24A-2 SYD24
D-1 SYD24D-3 SYD24D-2 SYD220A-1 SYD220A-3 SYD220A-2 SYD220D-1 SYD220D-3 SYD220D-2
又叫聲光警號,是為了滿足客戶對報警響度和安裝位置的特殊要求而設置。同時發出聲、光二種警報信號。產品領域:鋼鐵冶金、電信鐵塔、起重機械、工程機械、港口碼頭、交通運輸、風力發電、遠洋船舶等行業; 是工業報警系統中的一個配件產品。
Sound and light alarm devi kcz-jb800lw 220VAC product features.
1. The shell is made of high quality aluminum alloy die casting, and high pressure electrostatic powder spraying and advand baking pross are prepared by high-speed shot blasting, which has a strong anti-corrosion ability.
2. The shell is optimized and designed with high pressure die-casting, so it has a compact structure, beautiful appearan, dense material and high mechanical strength.
3. The glass cover, shell and loudspeaker have the sealing measures, which have good waterproof and dustproof performan.
4. Tempered glass lampshade can withstand high energy (4J) impact and thermal shock test without damage;
5. Steel pipe or cable wiring can be.
Sound and light alarm kcz-jb800lw 220VAC safety alarm USES integrated circuit, with a large rotary light at the top. The lamp is driven by 220V ac motor and equipped with high power loudspeaker, which is suitable for the safety alarm devi of large equipment such as lifting machinery, door crane, bridge crane, driving, oil field, mine and so on. This product can be prossed into a language block according to the language content or magnetic tape provided by the customer to achieve the language prompt effect. The sound and light alarm is waterproof and dustproof, which can be used in ship machinery. Sound and light alarm is a flash and the horn warning devis at the same time, made from flash with pulse xenon lamp, sound using piezoelectric speaker, have high brightness shine, loud audio alarm function. The product has the advantages of light weight, waterproof, anti-seismic and simple use, which is the safety signal devi of highway, road junction, underground tunnel and lifting machinery.
Professional supply alarm series:
Crane dedicated acousto-optic alarm SJ SJ - 4-5 SJ SJ - 4-5 L L SJ Marine box-type aisle alarm SJ - 2-2 L SJ - Ⅱ SJ - Ⅱ SJ - 3 L SJ Marine SJ - 3-3 L w acousto-optic alarm SJ - II SJ - IIL BGS52 JDX - 1
Tbj-100 sound and light alarm, tbj-150 special sound and light alarm, integrated sound and light alarm, tbj-150, tbj-150c sound and light alarm, tbj-100 special acoustic light alarm, tbj-150 integrated sound and light alarm.
Acoustic, TBD - 3 t crown amplifying TBJ - 150 crown acoustic, TBJ - 100 crown equipment alarm, multipurpose equipment alarm QTB TBJ - 150-1 crane lifting alarm, TBD - 3 d acoustic, crown amplifying TBD - 3 t crown acoustic, crown equipment alarm, multipurpose equipment
Alarm devi EWS- 200ka-j tbj-150 tightener, tbj-150 sound light alarm system tbj-100 alarm sound alarm system bc-60 transponder txj-9 txj-10 voi communication system nha-5w multi-function command wireless intercom system, many.
Function alarm, speech amplifier communication command devi AL203 sound light multilayer newspaper AL110 wireless alarm wireless alarm system bc-809 sound light alarm bc-32 hoisting alarm jbq-3a radiation sne.
Alarm, gamma ray alarm, jbq-3b field alarm, ray alarm, catch-1 ray field alarm, ray alarm, catch-i radiation field alarm, ray alarm, catch-10 ray field report.
Alarm devi, ray alarm; BC-110 BC-110F BC-110A sound - light electronic buzzer BC-30 high power alarm bc-29 multi-purpose alarm bc-9 Marine water-proof alarms BC-8A BC-8F electronic buzzer BC-8.
The bc-8t bc-8p bc-8x BC-8Q bc-8u BC-8S BC- 8bc - 8bc - 8bc - 8bc - 8bc - 8bc -8K BC-8K bc-8c sound - light alarm, the special acoustic light alarm of the sky car, the acoustooptic electronic buzzer BC-6 BC- 6bc -5 BC-5 BC-5 BC-.
3 df acousto-optic electronic buzzer BC - 3 b BC - 3 bf BC - 3 c BC - 3 - a BC BC - 3-3 af av BC BC - 2-3 - a - Y b BC BC - 2-2 c f BC - 2 BC BC - 2-2 x Y k BC BC - 2-2 w Ⅱ BC - 27 BC - x 27 BC - 27 k f
Use alarm devi multi-function alarm abc-61v abc-16 spreader abc-401 arrow signal indicator abc-30a walklight abc-18 arrow signal light abc-12 ABC-9ABC-9F abc-9.
ABC-7C ABC-7E ABC-7E ABC-7E ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC- ABC-2 ABC-2 ABC-2 - ABC-2 - ABC-2 - ABC-2F - ABC-2F - ABC-2 - ABC-3 abc-3h A.
Bc-3-2 abc-3-4 abc-2-8 abc-h2 three-phase power supply indicator LS708 LS707 LS702 LS702 LS308 LS307 LS303 LS303 LS303 LS303 LS302 twin aviation obstruction light LT101 solar aviation obstruction light.
Abc-7l air show abc-7m LM001 light strong aviation obstruction light wj-1 wj-1l wj-1lg wj-170 rotary round lamp wj-2 wj-2l wj-2l wj-2-60 wj-2-80 wj-2-100 wj-2-100b wj-3w.
J-4 rotary wj-4a wj-5 wj-5bl wj-7 wj-8a wj-8b dwj-10 dwj-10 dwj-10l dwj-5 dwj-5 dwj-5l sj-12200 dj-12100 alarm director DJ-1224 dj-1280.
High power alarm DJ-200 dj-100 dj-100 dj-40a DJ-40B air alarm fd-1 fd-2 bank burglar alarm yh-1 yh-2 yh-2 yh-3 sj-1 Marine alarm devi, special sound light alarm, crane sound and light alarm.
The bgs-5f Marine acoustooptic combined alarm system dw-01 electronic fog horn a-001 c-002 h-003 y220j YL120-220J yl200-220j ac electric bell ylk-24z yl200-24z yl200-24z dc electric bell YZ-.
Yz-220j yz-220j yz-220j, ylx-220j ylx-220j ylx-220j ylx120-24z YLX 200-24z ylm-24z ylm-220j, syd24a-1 syd24a-3 syd24a-2 SYD24.
D-1 SYD24D-3 syd24d-2 syd220a-1 syd220a-3 syd220a-2 syd220d-1 syd220d-1 syd220d-3 syd220d-2.
The sound and light alarm system kcz-jb800lw 220VAC is also called the sound and light alarm, which is designed to satisfy the special requirements of the customer for alarm loudness and installation location. Simultaneously emit sound, light two kinds of alarm signal. Specialized fields: steel and metallurgy, ecom tower, lifting machinery, engineering machinery, port wharf, transportation, wind power generation, oan shipping and other industries; It is an acssory product in industrial alarm system.