適用范圍application | | - 1區、2區危場所。
- iia、iib、iic類爆竹性氣體環境.
- *如要求iic類或增安型請注明.
- can be used in zone 1zone 2one 2 dangerous places.
- can be used in iia,iib 、iicgroup explosive atmosphere.
- *please note if want iic group safety-increased type
| 防爆接線盒型號含義model implication |  | 產品特點 features | | | | - 表面噴塑. the shellis of diecasted ai-alloywithplastic-sprayed sunface.
- 進出線口有多種方式及規格. 鑄鋁合金外殼,壓鑄成形 inlet or outlet has many kinds of modesspecifications.
- 進出線口螺紋可特制. thread specification can be specially designed.
- 符合gb3836-2000,iec60079標準要求. suitable for gb3836-2000,iec60079 standard request.
| 技術參數 technical parameters | | ah 系列防爆接線盒代號,外形及名稱一覽表 ah seriesflame-proof junction box code,outlinedesc-riptions as the following table. | 代號 code | 外形 outline | 名稱 desc-ription | 代號code | 外形outline | 名稱 desc-ription | a | | 一通平 1entry in horizon | f | | 一通吊1entry in horizon | b | | 直二通平2 direct entries in horizon | g | | 直二通吊2direct entries in horizon | c | | 三通平 3 entries in horizon | h | | 三通吊 3 entries in horizon | d | | 四通平4entries in horizon | i | | 四通吊 4entries in horizon | e | | 直角二通平2perpendicular entries,in horizon | j | | 直角二通吊2 perpendicular entries,in horizon | 注:1.“o”表示平蓋,“o”表示吊蓋。 2.在正常情況下,吊蓋與通頭同口徑,如特殊要求可特制。 3.通頭一般為圓柱管螺紋g1/2"、g1"如特殊要求可特制。 標注舉例: 1.cbjh-3/4b含義:ah隔爆型接線盒,管螺紋為g3/4"直二通平蓋。 2.cbjh-1/2含義:ah隔爆型接線盒,管螺紋為g1/2"直角二角吊蓋。 note:1"o"horzontal cover,"o"hung cover. 2 .generally the diameter of entry is equal to that of hung cover hole.special requirement can be available. for example: 1.cbjh-3/4b means:ah explosion-proof junctino box,pipe thread g3",g3",g1",also special requirement can be made. 2.cbjh-1/2jmeans:ah explosion-proof juncton box,pipe thread g1/2",2perpendicular entries with hung cover. | 主要技術參數 main technical parameters | 額定電壓(v)rated volage | 額定電流(a)rated current | 防爆防標ex-mark | 管螺紋規格(g")pipethread specification | 防護等級protectiongrade | 380 | 20 | exd ii bt6 *exd ii ct6 *exe ii t5 | 1/2 、3/4 、1 | ip54 *ip55 | | | 外形示意圖 main technical parameters | | ii b類,增安型接線盒外形示意 iib group,safety-increased junction box outline sketch map | | ii c 類接線盒外形示意 ii c group junction box outline sketch map | | ii b類,增安型接線盒外形尺寸 ii c類,接線盒外形尺寸 dimension of iib group,safety-increased type junction box dimension of iic group junction box | 電纜外徑(φmm)cable’s outer diameter | 管螺紋(g")pipe thread | a | b | c | d | | 規格specification | l | h | h1 | 8-10 | 1/2 | 166 | 108 | 104 | 68 | g1/2" | 175 | 85 | 110 | 8-14 | 3/4 | 168 | 108 | 105 | 68 | g3/4" | 175 | 85 | 110 | 12-17 | 1 | 170 | 108 | 105 | 68 | g1" | 175 | 85 | 110 | | | |